
Middle school! OMG!!!! HELP!?

by  |  earlier

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Ok so! I'm going to into middle school 7 th grade! I already know a few 8th graders, Which they might help me around the school.The school is really big. There's alot! Of classes. d**n. Lol. Idk cuz my school is like a gangster school not really any kids like me. So I know my personality is scene even tho I am I'm kinda afraid to do my hair big and all and show my real personality. Idk. Any tips on style? I need alot of tips so if yur that type of fashion person plz send linkns and tips!! =0 =)))




  1. What you need to do is find yourelf

    When you find yourself style comes easy

    Don't be afraid to show who you really are, because if u act fake and live life behind a shield of lies then your friends and other relationships will only be fake to, and who would want to be wired with that??

    Trust me, ive just finished highschool and im now starting college in a few days, i have my own style and i never buy somthing just because its the latest fashion, i only wear stuff that i like, if it just so happens 2 be the latest fashion then who cares if i like it i'm still gonna wear it

    One tip i can offer though, you should buy plains tees and tops, because then u can dress them up in your own way with pretty jewelry, or a cute shrug, or just a bright coloured belt to contrast.

    With fashion the possibilities are endless theres got to be somthing you like :  ]

    You should just wear what you want and invest in your own style, people like different things, if everyone dressed the same way or did there hair the same or whatever, the world would be so boring

    Dare to be different??  ;  ]

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