
Middle school drop out. . .?

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So. . .I dropped out in middle school :/ yes I know dumb. . .so it was half of my 7th grade semester I'm suppose to be in 11th this year. How can I go back now and how? I don't want sarcastic remarks please, I'm in Donna, Texas and I'm 16, I would really appreciate your help thank you :)




  1. take courses online if you can and try to get back up to speed

  2. 16 ?? Jesus Christ .. shouldn't they have boosted you up a level because of your age ?

  3. At this point, I'd advise you to hit the books, school yourself, try and become worldy, and then get your GED. I know some other middle school (or ninth grade) dropouts, most of whom led crazy liquor-fueled teen lives, and they're doing allright. I know four at my college, actually, which is Massachusetts's FLAGSHIP state university.

    Curiously, these kids tend to be among the smartest and most creative. My theory is they're TOO creative for society, so they just plain drop out for a while. Hence why all those kids I know are either punks, neo-hippies, anarchists, or hardcore bad*** rebels.

    Also, I just wanted to note I'm shocked people haven't hear about situations like yours. Seriously, shocked. 'Course it's against the law of every state in the union, but truancy can be a bear to enforce, especially if your kid's living in a squat somewhere out in Gainesville. Usually, though, kids skip school because they are being "home schooled." That sometimes amounts to the parent periodically signing some paper and may be a bit more, hence why truancy law's a bear to enforce when parents are in on it. This is also the loophole through which kids unschool (Google it).

  4. uhh im pretty sure u could juss go to the nearest board of education office thing and tell them ur situation and they will put you whereever they think neccessary. i think thats how it works but it might be diferent in Texas. but might as well give it a try.

  5. You'll probably have to go to a continuation school. They aren't going to let a 16 year old take middle school classes and you're behind in credits. Your best bet is to pose this question to a local high school guidance counselor.





  7. okay no offense but you are really sad.

    how the h**l do you drop out of MIDDLE SCHOOL....

    where were your parents.

    where was your family?

    they will put you in middle school through the day

    BUT they will make you take highschool courses in the evening,

    and i'm talking about

    nightschool you know....

    3-6pm or sometimes even 6-9

    you need to go to yout local department of education

    or board of ed.

    you need help, and fast, you are just so pathetic, how can you throw your life away?

    education is free, its all we have.....

  8. Psh, No you didn't don't lie. Your not aloud to drop out "till your 16.

    And if you do drop out before that they call child protective services and take you to a foster home idiot.

  9. You can take GED classes. I'm not sure, but you could probably get a tutor to teach you the years you missed. I don't thing you can enter the eleventh grade, because you have not completed said years before it.

    I would go to your High school and ask the guidance counselors for help. They can probably tell you your options and give you better advice than someone off of yahoo.

    Hope I helped!

  10. Register,

    Ask for the blonde  classes.

    They'll know just where to put you ;)

  11. You'll probably need to take online classes to get credit for 7th and 8th grade.  Most schools do not like to put older kids in middle schools because it raises issues like middle schoolers driving and teen pregnancy (not saying that you got pregnant or will).  Once you do that, you can take regular high school classes at a regular public school until you turn 21, which is the age at which (at least in Georgia) public school will not allow you to continue.  So, if you can get credit for 7th and 8th grade soon, you should be able to graduate from a regular high school.  Good luck!

  12. Wow, I thought that was illegal. But anyway, go to the school of your choice and see if you can register

  13. it's illegal to drop out in seventh grade.

  14. First of all Spencer G is a complete moron because it clearly says in the question no sarcastic remarks.

    Anyway, you will probably need a tutor and you will have to work much harder than anyone else. That is a lot of material to cover so I'll assume you will also have to go to some night classes or something.

    After some time of that you will probably be able to get into a regular class. (ex.When everyone else your age is in 1st year of college youll be in 11th grade. Which is great anyway since you didn't give up.)

  15. My mom always told me she would get hauled off to jail if I quit school before I was 16 or 17...I'm pretty sure it's not even legal.Your best bet would be to go talk to the school officials and see what they would do with you. I don't think you'd get very specific answers here because it's obvious your situation is unheard of for the most part.

  16. That's legal???

    You can drop out when you haven't even finished 7th grade?

    Talk to the school counselors of course

  17. That's illegal. You screwed up your life. GOOD JOB!

  18. Get A GED

  19. Hey! There is nothing wrong with a mistake you did in the past. The point is you are taking the responsibility to fix it. I would contact the Superintendant or school board in your school district. They should guide you to where you need to be. I'm sure your family and friends are going to be very proud of you. Take care, and good luck! :)

  20. go to your high school and sign up to get your ged.

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