
Middle school guys hate me, help! and more questions

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i am jealous of almost everything.

im 13 going into 8th grade.

well first my friends pretty much all have boyfriends,,

and i havent had a boyfriendd in a while.

they all go to movies and hang out.

some even have sexx already...

the guys havent really exactly like me since 6th grade,, but i know i have changed a LOT, but the guys dont know and they make fun of me and **** and i hate it.

idk what exactly my question is but any suggestions to make the guys know i have changed and anything else?

thank you in advance and you will get 10 points if you help me out the most.




  1. I had this problem for a while in middle school. It can be hard at times but just remember to be you. Don't try to be anyone else.

    Plus if those guys are going to make fun of you would you really want to date them? Wait for the right guy...

  2. WOW I know exactly what you're going through. Middle school was the worst three years of my entire life! Trust me, high school is SO much better. Middle school is full of mean, insecure people going you said...a lot of changes. I was made fun of too.

    I suggest you just be yourself! What you're feeling is normal. If your friends aren't spending time with you or aren't treating you with respect, go find a group of girls or guys that you can count on and have fun with.

    For the mean guys...blow em off, call them a name, or make fun of THEM....I know two wrongs don't make a right, but by showing you don't care or by turning the joke on them, they may leave you alone.

    One more year, just get through it and I guarantee you will  be happier in high school

  3. The first thing you should do is to get new friends. Since your going into the 8th grade you will be able to make many new friends. Just say hello to the other students. Life is great. I would not like it if other people made fun of me. Hope this helps you.

  4. im a sophomore in high school but just go up to the guy you like and start talking to him.. ask him what girls he's interested in, see what girls he's into.. don't change who you are just for some guy, well i'm a guy but i would say theres really nothing you can do now.. just wait until the right guy comes along..

    and for your friends who have already have had s*x.. thats really early to start doing it now.. well.. unless they want to be called s***s and s****s behind their backs by all the guys.

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