
Middle school help!!!!!!!!!

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i need middle school preparation! and dont sat relax or it will be fine. i need real help!




  1. Just remember... middle school is actually pretty easy.

    Seriously. Classes are easier, more fun things to do, more people to meet and a better lunch!

  2. Seriously It Will Be Finee x Once Yhoor There Yhoo Get Used To It And Its Not Scary...Just Gets Borin Lol x :P

    Trust Mee Im In SkOol x

    Cant Be Bothered Wif It But Examss Are Over So Far x

    Just Dontt Wear White Socks With Ah Skirt, Or Trainers With A Skirt, And If Yhoo Have Frizzy Hair Then Straighten It x Dont Give Bullies Reasons To Bully YhoO x LOl x :P:P

  3. As a middle school teacher, I would suggest that you spend the first few days watching and listening to what goes on around you. This way, you will observe how other students do things and teacher expectations. It will also help you decide which students would be the best positive role model for you to hang out with and who to avoid. Teachers understand how awkward this time in your life is and want to help. Be brave and ask!  

  4. this is how i felt when i first got to middle school. its a lot more relaxed than elementary school. youll probably have a locker, and different classes with different people. make sure to memorize your schedule and find the best ways to get to class on time. also, dont forget your lock combination! you should probably carry a purse for girl stuff and keep a planner. its harder than elementary school, but also a lot more fun!

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