
Middle school is just awful for me?

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I just started middle school and I hate it. It's like I'm the only civil person in the middle of a room of idiots. I am taking all Pre- Ap classes, but even the kids in that class are stupid and won't shut their mouths.

I don't have any classes with anyone I know from last year, and anyone that I do know ignores me. I am talking to my mom about this and I am considering private school or online school.

In your opinion, what is better? The online school, the private school, or public school?

I am also just okay with being homeschooled and taking online courses but I don't really want my mom teaching me.

And the private school only has 100 people in the whole school and that sounds wonderful.




  1. public school is defiantly better, things will all change when you get to choose your options because the people in your class will want to do that subject, so will behave

  2. Hang in there. The higher the grade, the more opportunities for new friends with a wider variety of interests.

  3. I'm sorry about your experience. :(

    Online school is probably not good. A public or private school is a good option. If you really want to, you should consider going to another school.

    You might also want to think about why you don't like school. Is it because of the other students? Is it because it's boring? Identifying the problem is the first step to solving it.

  4. I went to private. It's okay.... Try to make friends. Or do what you think is good. I'm shore you'll be fine. Don't be homeschooled. My friend is homeschooled and she hates it. I'm having the same problem. All my friends are shuffled around. Just make some friends. Thats what I'm trying to do. Just Make a dission soon so that you don't miss out on a lot of work if you decide to change during the year. good luck =)

  5. Well middle schools are like that.Last year i was also in middle school and i hated it like anything.But now i love my school. Okay i don't like it but atleast  i don't hate my school.Well i also have a quite nature but that doesn't mean i hate all those freak-outs.Try to find good qualities in them and start talking to your classmates and surely you will find someone like you.And remember 'Nothing is better than public schools'.


  7. stay in public school maybe next trimester youll have some of your friends in one of your classes

    hope i helped!!!!

  8. i think the private school sounds right for you.

    also some friendly advice, dont look down on people so much, maybe thats why people ignore you

    good luck

    ps nevr heard of online schooling

  9. thats so kool how ur mom is okay with u switching schools and i would just go to private school because home schooled and online school sounds retarded no offence  

  10. I can tell you from personal experience that private school is wonderful, also if your budget is a little low, a charter school is good too.

  11. i go to grammer school and it sucks! i wish i went to public but that said you do get taught here without major interruptions in our class he have about 3 idiots who shout out and stuff so i dunno but i do hav a feeling you will miss public school! thanks for reading  

  12. relax. have fun. chill

  13. public school find someone you can talk to

  14. i just started middle school also!!! i am the only civil person in any of my classes, but you have to just ignore the ignorance and continue rocking!!!!!

  15. I would do the provate school.It will look very good on your permanent record and colloges will have a better opinion about you :).I homeschool and it's okay but I wish I could learn more becuz my mother and father works all the time.I went to a private school once and the work is harder but other than that,it was a very sophistacated schoo:)

  16. deal with it dont be a brat and whine. everyone else has to deal with it

    so dont think your the queen bee and have special attention

  17. I went to both public and private schools.  I suggest private school.  It's small, everyone does know your business, but private schools can have better educational programs than public schools. Not always, but usually.

    This is an important time in your life to learn about socializing with your peers.  And it is difficult.  Sometimes you will feel like you are in a room full of idiots.  Sometimes you will feel like an idiot.  But don't scare away from it because you are uncomfortable.  Eventually you will learn to deal with others, in a learning environment.


  18. well if money is not a factor, i would choose the private school

    but i went to a public school and it was fine...

    eventually you'll adjust and if you hate your classes, just ignore the people who bother you

    you shouldnt have to worry about them

  19. Middle school is often difficult.  The only thing I can say in its favor is that life itself is often difficult, filled with bozos and inconsiderate idiots, and in learning to cope with them now, you will be able to cope with them in the rest of life.  However, if you don't learn how to cope with them now, you will either have to learn at some time, or you will never learn how to cope with them and they will always irritate you, for the rest of your life.  But...the private school sounds like a good option for getting a social setting without the idiots.  But even there, it is a select group that is not representative of the general run of people you will be dealing with in your adult life.  Whatever happens, good luck!

  20. ok only problem with a private school ( i know i went to one) everyone knows your business all the time.  it sucks just as bad....i loved school once i got into college....

  21. just for you i keep drinking.......

  22. yeah i know what you mean! my middlschool experience was like that, and then i find a really nice private school with only 85 people in it. everyone was very mature and nice there. :)

  23. Personally, the same thing happened to me in 7th grade. I thought I wanted to never come to school again. I mean i barley saw my friends at all! However, I started making new friends, and now (4 years later) I am still friends with my old friends and still good friends with the ones that I met in 7th grade. As for being with "idiots"... maybe you are just more mature than all of them!  Maturity comes in time and pretty soon everyone will be "normal".  Good Luck.

    God Bless

  24. public school. try to find people who are decent... trust me your find someone

  25. you sound like my best friend. stop veiwing people as idiots! theyre not and no offense but they probably view you as a nerd who has no fun. (again, NO OFFENSE!) think of them as funny or fun or whatever they are or think they are. theres nothing wrong with doing good in school but you dont have to be a social outcast to do it.  

  26. I'll be honest.  I've ran the gambit on all of your choices and though there are positives to a smaller school or independent learning, they do not prepare you for the "world" like public school can.  The "world" is not a place where everyone is civil or everyone shut's up when they should.  It is not a place where everyone does what they should, when they should.  It is not a place where people are judged fairly and on only their merits.  It is not a place where good always triumphs first (though I believe it does eventually triumph).  It is not a place where you can pick who you work with and who you have to deal with/talk to.  It is not a place where you can choose how many people you will be around.  

    So, to this end, I have to say that learning about yourself first is the biggest hurdle in dealing with those things which seem to be bothering you.  You have to totally comfortable in your own skin and find your own self before you can relate well with others.  Insecurities sometimes manifest themselves as a feelilng of being superior though your actions/inactions clearly state the reverse.  

    People need people... we all do... good, bad, indifferent... they all make up the whole of who/what we are and our choices in those situations help us develop whereas removing yourself from those situations stifles your abillity to interact and to grow.

    Hope this helps!!

  27. You need help. Learn to be social. Stop thinking your better than everyone else. Your not.

    Act your age, because your obviously not as mature as you think you are. Lots of kids take pre-ap/honors accelerated classes in middle school and they still have friends. Stop finding excuses for your misery and make friends.

  28. middle school sucked for me too. you're lucky you have the option of switching to private school or homeschooling. i'd say do the private school. you dont want to end up being completely anti social. you'll make friends. everyone is an idiot in middle school. im in 11th and they're still idiots but they've improved.

    answer mine?;...

  29. I like middle school but i liked elementary better! I am in all high classes and everyone does talk but you get use to it and you can learn alot about someone if they talk alot! I meet some great friends by just being quiet and listening to everyone and found many people i have alot in common with! I would stay in public and eventually you will love it you get to talk and change classes!

  30. i say public school.

  31. Personally, I think you should just stick to your public middle school.. online and private schools may offer a better education, but they lack one major thing that public schools always offer: peer to peer communication and how to deal with other people. Don't get me wrong, you will get some of this in the private school, but kids in a private school are much more closely supervised are are typically better behaving (I attended a private school for 6 years, I know). It's been my experience with a few of my friends after they've switched over to online or home schooling education that they quickly fall behind in social maturity, although, they were my best friends a few years ago, I find myself making excuses to avoid them now.

    Of course, I'm not implying that any of this will happen to you necessarily, but you WILL be losing a lot of social contact with your peers if you switch to online or home schooled education. You said that you were just starting middle school. Jumping from elementary school to middle school is a big step for everyone and almost always takes some adjusting before you're comfortable, the same happened to me. Before any decisions are made I'd stick with it for at least a semester because school has only just started. If you still feel that you MUST get out of the public system, I would suggest a private school over online or home schooling. Note that I'm only 16, but everything I've said is true to my personal experiences. I hope this helps!

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