
Middle school problems...?

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im a 7th grader and i just came to a new school. its my first time in middle school and i don't know anyone there. and so im not used to the different periods and stuff. and i dont have any friends at my new school so its hard and i dont have anyone to talk to. so i want to know wat i cud do for my problems :(




  1. Take a look around at the people who are in your school. Watch and see who does things that you like to do, such as sports, cheerleading, art, etc, and when you see someone that seems to have the same interests as you, go to them and say 'Hi, I am _________', and just talk for a bit. You will never get friends without trying, so break the ice. There are probably hundreds of kids in the same boat as you, with the same fears as you. Go ahead, you can do it.

  2. Am sorry to hear that, When i was a kid or teen i use to move alot around the Country until i settled hear in Florida... All i did was Keep my Mind at School.. i worked harder then anyone else( Since i had no one bugging me in class! lol!)  And after i started realizing that more and more people came to talk to me.. and i had more an more friends.  All you have to do is concentrate at your work because that's what will pay off at the end, not friends! Would a friend be there when your sick??.  No right? Just let things Flow, be cool and concentrate on what really matters.

    email me if anything at

    With love,


  3. I know how you feel! When I started 7th grade I knew absolutly nobody. Guess what? I now know a whole host of people.

    If you feel lonely, and uncomfortable here's a simple tip that can be rather scary. Just go for it. People aren't going to notice you unless you talk to them. Don't be shy, open up! :D Like, as you walk into class, as you sit down just say a simple 'hi' to the person next to you. It's worth a shot.

    And about having lots of different classes each day, it's really okay. I acctually really like it now. It gives you a chance to know a lot of different people. Soon, you will feel that going to so many classes each day is normal. It'll become part of your rutine. Best davice is, don't be shy, don't worry too much, and get to know your school, mingle, but still be you.

    Good Luck!!! :D

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