
Middle school tips ?

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I'm starting middle school in, 9 days any tips? (Any kind of tips except for clothes cause I have to wear a uniform).




  1. I wear a uniform too, in middle school be prepared in class, it's very important, and the hall will be crowded between changing classes, be

    sure to find a clear path, if you are lost ask a teacher,, if you have question be sure to ask, study and work hard try your best.;...

  2. There's really nothing scary about middle school. The best advice I can give you is to enjoy being a kid.

  3. Middle school is not a big deal, its actually pretty easy.  My advice would be after like the first month or so of school so not try toe excuse that you forgot something in your locker because teachers start to get mad.

  4. its nothing theres nothin to worry about.
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