
Middle school tips?

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ok i need tips i need to know how to handle teachers what should i bring the first day everything

like boys crushes

geting along




  1. u need 2 bring the following:color pencils,markers,calculater{scientific},g... for ur locker like a mini white board,mirror,etc.,paper towels(4 home ec),etc.the teachers will give u a list for what u need in that middle school was connected to the high school.if yours is,stay in the middle school and dont venture to the high high school is full of druggies, and lot of times the high schoolers get ticked off and take out on little kids.there r goin to always to be people who hate u,so just chill out and act like u dont care about nice to everyone and have a good sence of houmor,especially when the jokes on you.participate in class and get the teachers to like you.dont get with people who'll ditch u on the first sign of trouble.get friends who will stand up for you.hope this helps:)

  2. i need some to

  3. For the first day of school, I would definitely bring a notebook with plenty of paper, and some other basics. Pens, pencils (an eraser), a calculator, and maybe a highlighter. I work in a Middle School and most kids use a backpack, but your school may be different! Your teachers may give you lists of specific supplies that they want on the first day so don't go too crazy buying stuff before school starts. But, you know you will need the basics so if they are on sale, stock up! Then you might have to only go out a buy a few things that first week.

    As for teachers, just be respectful. Remember, teachers are human beings. They want to be respected just like everyone else does. It does not make you cool to be the one who talks back to the teacher-or to do it when everyone else does it. It just makes you a jerk! Don't be afraid to do the right thing!

    I wish I had a wonderful tip for dealing with boys, but unfortunately there isn't one. If you happen to get your heart broken- and I hope that you don't- just remember that even though it seems like you will never get over it while it is happening, eventually you will see some guy walk past you in the hall who is even hotter than the other! The truth is that sometimes guys suck! I am 38 years old and it has not gotten any better, yet!

    Some other advice- GET ORGANIZED! If your school does not supply you with an agenda book, I recommend that you buy one. The transistion to middle school is often difficult. There is a lot to remember. Make sure that you use your agenda to write down EVERYTHING! Classwork, homework, activities that you are interested in. Rich doctor's and lawyers have agendas that they write their appointments in. If they can't remember everything then neither can you!

    Get yourself into a routine when you get home. First thing, take out your agenda and look at what needs to be done. Make a list of the assignments or studying that needs to be done. Then, if you want to take a break, that's ok. Just make your list before the break. Don't procrastinate. If your teacher gives you math problems to do and they aren't due for 2 days, do them that same night anyway. If you have an explanation about them the same day, you will be more likely to remember the lesson when you are doing the HW that night and you will be less likely to forget to do it!

    Finally, just be yourself. You do not need to change to fit in. Don't let yourself become friends with people who are a bad influence on you. Make yourself and your parents proud by making the choice to surround yourself with positive people!


  4. Middle School is DEFINATLY a big step up in reality than Elementary is.But its preety easy to me.I mean if you're smart the work shouldn't be that hard for you and when it comes to drama,ha,please,i wish middle school was more dramatic.You shouldn't worry about Middle School,High School and College are the big whoas

  5. 1. Don't worry about them. They're just kids who're a little older.

    2. Don't worry about boys until you're sixteen.

    3. If you respectful and kind, you'll be fine.

    4. You're teachers will tell what to bring. On the first day though, bring paper and pencils.

  6. Middle school is way different from elementry school. You start to make new friends (some of them you never thought you would be friends with). You also may start to go out with people. Teachers really like it when you are prepared for class and are on time. But, during the first week or so of school, they are not strict because you are still adjusting to your sceadule and everything. But personally, i like middle school waaaay better than elementry because they have tons of extra activitys, have fun things like dances and way more people!!!!! I hope this helps!! Good luck and dont worry!!!!

  7. Number one thing is to not get caught up in the DRAMA that can go on.  It is not worth it and it only gets you in trouble.  Second thing is to GET ORGANIZED.  Figure out what works for you and do it.  Many of my students have a 1 inch binder that they use for my class and only my class.  Everything I give them goes in that binder, so that way they always know where something might be if they have lost it.
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