
Middle school volleyball records?

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What is the record for the number of consecutive serves in an eigth grade volleyball match?




  1. I would guess it would be 25 since that is the score they play to and a really excellent server could then score that many if she begins the game and doesn't miss any.  My daughter's record in 8th grade was 14 - in the third game of the match where the game was played to 15.  She was the team's most consistent server.

  2. the first two answers are wrong. i am in middle school volley ball and they dont do that kiddie stuff at all and i know people who have beat 14, 15, and 25.  there isnt an exact number cuz like once, when i got 17, the team was really bad. we beat them 25 to 3. and the bal only came over twice. so just try to break a school record and give urself a nice reputation for high school.

    best of luck,


  3. who cares about how many serves u make. most of the time they dont record that.

  4. I guess it  depends what state, school and county or district you are in. I can't remember back then if there was a limit for consecutive serves. But in my district, there was a limit of serves, because we had a server who can just serve and serve, but that wouldn't be fair for other teammates because they didn't get to serve and there hardly won't even be a game called a game. But eighth graders have more chances of serving than the lower grades because it's their last year to play in middle school.

  5. my teamate did 23 in a row once (gr 7-8)

  6. Once I did get 24 good serves in a row. The only way they stop your serves is if the next serve could result in a win. And if there are that many serves in a row they require that your winning point is won by a serve of another person, not on a defensive action.

  7. I believe the number is 15.

    good luck!!!

  8. it would only be about four, because schools have rules as to how many times you are able to serve in a row

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