
Middle splits!!!!!?

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I really want to get my middle splits down this summer. I was wondering how long it will take and what are the best stretches. I am about a foot away from the ground. Thnx for the help:D




  1. what i do is i put my butt against the wall and then put my legs on the wall and do the middle split position. you have to stay there for a while though. gravity will pull your legs down. you can also just try to do the center splits and just stay there and eventually you'll get lower and lower. but don't forget to stretch and warm up before you try.

  2. do you mean the box splits ,,like jean claude van dame,,it takes about six months you should-

    stand with your feet together toes facing forward and slide your legs out as far as you can then tense your quads and hold for 10 seconds or more

    do this 3 times

    then repeat 3 or four times a week until you rest on the floor like van dame

  3. just keep on trying to do the splits, and u ll gradually start gettin lower and closer to the floor

  4. im having the same problem!! i just do them in the morning and at night before i go to bed. or whenever i have down time. you have to hold it for at least 30 seconds because it takes 15 seconds for the muscles to adjust and another 15 second for the muscles to.. i dont really know my dance teacher told me something like that i dont really remember... i just know you have to hold it for at least 30 seconds =)

  5. Just keep trying

    whenever your watching tv or whatever

    stretch,stretch stretch!

    But make sure your warm!


  6. put ur head on ur knees and hold it then put one foot infront of u like u are in  the position that men propose in (sorry i cant think of any other way to explain it ) then lean forward so the back leg is straight and u should help it strestch ur hamstrings that is the stretch i used and i can do the splits now and i dont do dancing gymnastics cheerleading i just do swimming

  7. just sit in them when you are watching tv or just laying around the house

  8. keep on doing it, and hold it for like 5 min. if that is too long then just hold it for as long as u can. keep doing this daily and gradually u will see an improvment.

  9. Get a mat and put on of ur feet on it and do the middle splits.

    And like if ur reading or something just sit in the splits!

    and it's also good before going to bed to stretch in them.

    A foot is kind of far, but I think it'll probably take max a year!
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