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tell me what i need to know about middle school !!plz




  1. How to survive middleschool:

    1. Watch ur stuff- your stuff will get stolen so watch it like a hawk.

    2. Keep a pen in your pocket. When ur pencil case is stolen at least you will have that.

    3. Don't be a jerk - you need all the friends you can get.

    4. Find and join a clique of like minded individuals- a middleschooler without a stable group of friends is like a baby bird with no nest

    5. Don't do drugs- getting high/drunk is not worth all the trouble it causes

    6. Don't take anyone too seriously or you will go insane-this includes teachers

    7. If your going to be a rebel back u have to back it up - cause if u don't u will be mercilessly teased

    8. Have friends outside of school - cause if the people at ur school go/are psycho then u at least have other people

    9. Have at least one goal to focus on all middleschool years.

    10. Laugh when something is funny and cry when something is sad.

    11. Urban Dictionary, Wikipedia and Spark Notes are your friends when it comes to knowing stuff.

    12. Be true to yourself

    13. Take advantage of awesome opportunities even if it means extra work and going outside ur comfort zone

    14. Be a good student so teachers cut you some slack

    15. Stupid kids are teased more than smart kids so be smart.

    16. Having a girlfriend/boyfriend is not the most important thing in middleschool. Don't go boy/girl crazy


    18. think before doing at least half the time

    19. Have some decency

    20. Cafeteria food doesn't get any better.

  2. Middle School isn't gonna kill you, it's just like elementary school but harder work

  3. I was a middle school teacher in the past. It will be like elementary school only a bit harder. You will feel as if you are on your own a lot because teachers generally aren't as nurturing at this level. You may not be in your classroom all day, instead changing classes and having many teachers. You may or may not have a locker.

    The biggest thing to worry about is peer pressure. Your body and emotions will be changing. Say NO to bad things, like drugs, alcohol or cigarettes. Do not have s*x. Do not try to grow up too fast. Focus on being a kid and learning as much as you can learn. Good luck to you. You will be fine.

  4. middle school is a new but amazing experience. You get at least 6 new teachers to have to learn their names and learn the tricks of staying on their good side. A few words of advice: if you are struggling in a class stay after school and ask your teacher. I was always scared in front of other people so i asked them when no one was around. having a boyfriend is pointless. You are not going to get married until you are older so who cares about kissing and hugging just be a kid. Anyways a lot of girls end up crying and acting all moodswingy when they are having love problems. Just be yourself. Don't try to act popular if your not because everyone will talk behind your back and say how stupid you look trying to act like someone else. Have fun!!

  5. middle school is just like elementary school but harder work obvisuly and you don't stay in one class all day, but middle school is fun and easy and you don't have to worry about anything

  6. ok this is a long one

    this is what you have to know in middle school about school

    organization is really important, trust me i no i was NOT organized in middle school and it was really difficult to find papers and things

    you also need to know that not all your teachers will like you

    but you have to try your best

    homework is also really important

    you have no idea how much of you grade will go down in middle school if you dont do you homework

    aand i no this may sound dorky (but i just started highschool so i no) but you have to study for your tests

    lastly cafiteria food doesnt get any


    ok this is kinda about people but kinda about actual school

    dont bring a lunch box people WILL make fun of you

    you can brign your food in a brown paper lunch bag or buy your lunchc

    now about people

    people mature really fast in middle school and it might seem like everyone is growing up really fast without you

    trust me ive been there

    but you just have to have the close friends that will always be there for you and youll be fine

    also dont worry to much about being popular

    the popular people may seem to be just perfect but there really not you have no idea what kind of sh*t goes on in their lives (trust me)

    finally peer pressure

    i no uv been hearing about it foryears and it just seems like one of those stupid things thats never gonna happen to you thats what i thought and thats not how it works

    it could be pressure for taking drugs or even s*x

    yea even in middle school

    but dont fall for it you will not like where it takes u

    hope i helped

    last having a boyfriend might seem really important and i no youve heard it before but its really not
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