
Midges bites...or is it?

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I went camping 2 weeks ago, and got bitten (plenty) by midges. I must have had 100 bites per feet. The only bit the feet, tho. The thing is : 2 weeks later, some of those bites have disappeared but lots of them are still there, and itching crazy.

The reason why I figured those were midges bites is they look like smaller mosquito bites, itches the same, and I could feel like a little burning sensation the night before I got them.

So here comes the questions : how long are those bites suppose to last? can I do anything to ease the discomfort and quicken the healing? thanks a bunch!




  1. This same thing happened to me, only on the feet, it's so irritating cause the feet are so sensitive and it tickles if you scratch them too hard lol. Sorry to tell you but that happened me in August and the last of my bites hadn't faded til around halloween time. But yours may heal quicker. Go to your pharmacist and ask for cream for it and they will advise you : )

  2. I would question now if they were really midge bites at this point. Where did you sleep when you went camping? In your own sleeping bag, or a borrowed one? Midge bites w ill not reoccur once they are gone, unless of course you are subjected to more midges. Sounds to me that you should see your doctor to make sure it isn't a scabies rash. My daughter went on a school competition and stayed in a hotel... the next morning her legs were covered in what looked like bites... come to find out, the linens on the bed had not been changed between patrons, and she got scabies... meds are the only way to treat this condition.. don't let it go unchecked  

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