
Midnight Sun--So she's not going to finish it?? :(?

by  |  earlier

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Sorry if this question has been asked alot, but I just read the message on Stephenie's website and she said that Midnight Sun has been postponed INDEFINITELY!!!! So does that mean she's not going to continue writing it because some idiot felt the need to post the unfinished manuscript??




  1. She'll finish it, after she's done with her whining.  Sorry--but it's not like somebody raided her house and stole the manuscript.  It was naive of her to give out copies to friends, family, celebs, etc.

  2. im so angry i wanna beat up the people who leaked it! lol

    answer mine its about this too.

  3. It's sad, I can't believe what people have done.

    I don't think she'll publish it now, there wouldn't be much point with her posting it on her website now.

    I hope she does (cause I probably won't read what's up on her website) but I support Stephenie Meyer no matter what she chooses to do.

  4. well at least you guys have Twilight. Edward is soo sucky in the leak anyways, it barely redeemed BD.

    just leaked! Eddiekins POV, chappie 13: See! Meyer IS writing more. This is only a snippet! (pssh)

    As I lay there dazzling in the meadow with the delicate, frail Bella wrapped in my cold scintillating arms, the love that now enslaved us grew even stronger, past breaking. So puissant I could barely resist the urge to claw at her and suck the warm crimson sap that cascaded through her capillaries. But I resisted, my recalcitrant a symbol of the powering amour, the only thing that manacled me to the fringe humanity I possessed.

    Smitten as I was, I could still visualize myself gnawing, sucking, slurping...

    can i become SMeyer naow?

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