
Midnight Sun by Stephenie Meyer was illegally released, so will it still be published?

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Meyer just said she would hold it indefinitely, which means unknown according to Webster's. so i am confused........




  1. It's a circle - she steals from her fan's writings, so her fans steal from her.  Karma.

  2. Indefinitely she may or may not.. She'll maybe get around to it, she has other things to work on, though. The Host, and others. She said she wants to take a break from vampires for a little while. I hope she does it soon, if at all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Who knows? I think it might be her being melodramatic. If I was her I would be very upset that my book had been leaked. I understand her pain. However, to punish fans that didn't read the leak is silly on her part as an author. I think she might be doing this just to make it a forbidden book so that when it does come out, everyone might want to read it more just because they appreciate that she released it anyway. But no one knows what she's really going to do.

  4. Honestly, she is way over reacting. She knew she had a very, very, very popular series. She should've known that it would happen. I'm surprised she said she was definetly going to write it so soon. If she would have actually thought about it, anyone could've guessed someone would have spread it all over.

    Yes, it totally ruined everything. But she makes a ton of money too. J.K. Rowling is continuing Harry Potter. Why? For the money of course.

    The Host is extremely boring. I couldn't get through two pages of it. I don't know why she would even bother continuing that one.

    But when you think about it, she could take a break, revamp the entire story, and come out with something even better.

    Hatemail doesn't help at all, either.

    I'm going to be extremely sad if she doesn't continue. it's my favorite series ever. So it is going to suck really bad if she doesn't. I'll be dissapointed and so will all the other fans!

  5. shes just uncertain when she'll continue Midnight Sun.  She didn't say she would not continue Midnight Sun, shes putting it on hold until shes decided to continue with it.

    So no fear, midnight sun is just on hold for now.

  6. this question has been asked so many times it alone should have its own catagory! just look it up thats what the search bar is for! But Sm said it was on hold indefenitly so that means when she finishes writing it and publuish it it will be un known she may be working on it right now or she may never

  7. To correct the previous answerer: indefinitely does not mean never.  It means exactly what you typed: unknown.  Stephenie has stopped writing Midnight Sun for now.  When she says she has stopped indefinitely, it means she does not know what is going to happen with it.  She may never write another word of it.  Then again, she may be inspired one day down the line and start writing again.  When she finishes, will she publish?  Nobody knows.

    This is all very up in the air.  We may never see it completed and published; then again, we may.   Nobody knows, but I wouldn't hold your breath waiting for the release.

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