
Midnight Sun- is it really cancelled?

by  |  earlier

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Read it, and cry :(

Do you really think it's going to be cancelled??

I know it says "postponed indefinately"....but what do you think will happen?





  1. Nope. S'not gonna be cancelled. :)

  2. unfortunately, i think that it will be cancelled.  i cant believe it.  i've been waiting 4 so long to read this book.  i absolutely luv edward and wuz looking forward to hearing his thoughts.  but now i cant :'(.  i seriously cried when i read that.  she needs to calm down, move on, and just write the book.

  3. On her website,, she says she has put it on hold 'indefinitely' because she is very upset that the first 12 chapters leaked. So, I would assume that she will involve herself in other projects right now...possibly sequels to The Host.

  4. ya, it pretty much cancelled! Man, this freakin' sucks.

  5. Are you guys SURPRISED?  I knew everyone would ruin it for the rest of us i told them!!!!!

  6. Let's all hope so.

    If she tortures us all with another terrible book the universe will surely implode.

  7. i just found out.... :( . she even posted the partial playlist for it. but on the playlist it says like, "when/if" she gets back to it. so i hope she decides to get back on it after a while.  

  8. Let me say for the record that I understand why she's upset. It's never nice to have something you've been working on spoiled.

    This being said...

    Does it seem to anyone else like she's being just a BIT dramatic here? Things get leaked all the time. No one else throws a hissy fit and refuses to play. It seems like she's treating you (her fans, of which I am not one) like naughty children who need to be punished. The whole thing strikes me as extraordinarily petulant and sulky.

    Also, I'm curious as to why everyone is so geared up about Midnight Sun. You all already know what happens! It's just a past book rehashed to make more money off of her fans. The least she could do for you guys, the very least, is give you a new book. I think she owes that to those who are loyal to her (again, not me), instead of being lazy and just churning out the same book again in a format she knows will sell.

    I know you all love her, but in my opinion, this author treats her fans like *&@#. I mean, she won't even accept e-mails from you! What do you owe her anymore?

  9. Basically means she's put it on hold.

    But for a long time i reckon.

    And to be quite honest i dont blame her one bit.

    She has given all of us readers joy by writting these books, and what do a lot of the 'fans' do?

    They put them all over the internet.

    Look at breaking dawn.

    2 Days before that was realeased everyone was on here asking and sharing all of breaking dawn.

    So as much as im sad because i really wanted to do it, i think she should even maybe put it off for a few years, then maybe that will show all these people reposting that stephenie will not just stand back and watch, and do something about it!

  10. I hope it's canceled,

    we don't need another awful book,

    in the terrible poorly written series.

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