
Midnight Sun won't be continued?

by Guest56690  |  earlier

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I just found out that Stephenie Meyer is not going to continue writing Midnight Sun after a leak on the internet! Any comments?




  1. Okay, let's stop the waterworks now. We all know that Stephenie will continue writing it eventually. Hello, who doesn't want money? And why did she give a LOT of people the drafts? It's like she was so sure that they can be trusted. Now she's going about stuff like the fans were at fault here. When something is leaked, you should acknowledge it and just continue to write. No fuss, no hoopla. She turned back on her word to promise her fans a published copy of Midnight Sun.


  2. i agree with the second answer

    shes being stubborn and stupid

    how sad we all got a little more preview of the book. get over it SM.

    i love the series but im very angry at her atm

    is she a Virgo?? she sounds like 1 and i cant stand it when they do this

    never blaming herself for letting it get into the wrong hands never blaming herself for anything.


    my mum thinks its just a hocks to get people more eager for the book but i dunno../.

  3. Stephanie Meyer said maybe or maybe not.If she didn't she would probably lose a LOT of fans I would be mad like her million other fans.  

  4. yeah, it will but it'll just be a bit later me thinks.

  5. Save Midnight Sun

  6. Nope. It's just on hold indefinitely. And yeah, there WERE leaks on the internet before she just decided to upload the draft herself. That's a good thing in itself I guess.

  7. I think it's pathetic that she refuses to continue the book because of a leak.  She can't let that get in her way.  I mean a bunch of the Harry Potter books got leaked, and did that ever stop J.K. Rowling?  Nope.

  8. It's stupid if she doesn't continue the book. I don't even know who she is but she should just get a life and continue the book.

    A leak isn't the end of the world, you know!

    Stephine Meyer- JUST WRITE THE BOOK. All these people at Yahoo can't stop thinking about it. Is she really that good??

  9. It's too bad a few rotten apples spoil the barrel.

  10. uh wow i cant believe she actually tried to squeeze out another one i mean the last one was absolute c**p. it sounded like she was just tossing in a bunch of random ideas just to fill the pages.

  11. Stephenie Meyer is yet indecided if she continues midnight sun

    She quoted "so it [midnight sun] is on hold indefinitely"

    But i'm very disappointed in her. Yes I love her series and books BUT she has crossed the line.

    Firstly, IT WASN'T OUR FAULT THAT IT LEAKED! Why is she upset with the fans!? And she is punishing us by not finishing it!! And she quoted that she gave the draft to only a few people THEN she must know which one could've done this! Grr

    And I believe she did this herself, agree or disagree your choice but these are my opinions on why she did it:

    1) she wanted people to forget about breaking dawn disaster

    2)She wants the reaction i.e. if people want to see her continue writing and sign petitions and so on...

    3) Have an excuse to stop writing for a while and have a life (I don't blame her, fans put SO much pressure on her but the way she made this excuse...)

    Anyway, time will tell but i really hope she finishes it...

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