
Midwife or regular doctor??

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im curious and having a big dilemma here, i want to switch from my regular doctor to a midwife... what you girls think?




  1. Well this is not one you just "toss" into the air and CHOOSE.  There are pros and cons which are listed below:

    Doctor Pros

    1. Expertise. Should a problem occur, doctors are well educated and very equipped to handle most every emergency situation and condition - up to and including performing a cesarean section if necessary.

    2. Doctors don’t have to answer to anyone else in the event of an emergency. With their knowledge and experience they can comfortably handle every pregnancy situation that may arise.

    3. Doctors can order pain relief - such as Demerol or an epidural if the laboring mom requests it.

    Doctor Cons

    1. Lack of personal attention. Doctors see many patients a day and as a result most appointments will be rushed. During labor and delivery, most of the time, a doctor may come in once during labor and will arrive just in time to “catch” the baby.

    2. Unnecessary medical procedures. A lot of doctors have standing orders for a laboring mom to receive an IV - whether or not she truly needs one. Doctors have varying opinions on what positions they will allow a woman to birth in. If you are one who has definite preferences about birthing positions and medical procedures, be sure to discuss them with your doctor well before your due date.

    3. Cost is *usually higher than that of a midwife.

    Midwives are educated through a certification process. Some midwives are certified nurse midwives - a registered nurse with qualifications for midwifery and others are considered direct-entry midwives, meaning that they received their education through experience and hands-on learning, usually under an experienced midwife.

    Midwife Pros

    1. Personal attention. Midwives offer more personal attention than that of doctors. They have less of a patient load and are able to spend more time during each prenatal visit as well as usually spending the entire time during the labor and birth.

    2. No enforced medical procedures. Because midwives aren’t doctors, they do not use IV’s and allow the freedom of an all natural birth.

    3. Most of the time, midwives charge less than doctors do.

    Midwife Cons

    1. If an emergency arises a midwife will have to refer you to a doctor to handle it.

    2. They can not administer pain medications such as Demerol or an epidural if the laboring mom desires it.

    3. They can not write prescriptions if medication is needed.

    In my experience with the midwives in my particular area - the cost to hire a midwife to assist in pregnancy and childbirth are the same - and sometimes more - depending on which OB/GYN you compare too - as the doctors that deliver babies. The only way to cut back on the cost of pregnancy and childbirth would be to hire a midwife for a home birth.

    The choice between a doctor and a midwife also depends upon your health and the health of your pregnancy. If you are a “high-risk” pregnancy - you will probably have to go with a doctor. Otherwise the choice is up to you. Whether you choose a doctor or a midwife, keep the above pros and cons in mind. If you are someone who strongly believes in an all natural birth experience, then a midwife is the best choice. If you are someone who doesn’t deal well with pain and may need some pain relief during labor and delivery, your best served with a doctor.

    Both doctors and midwives offer excellent care.  

  2. Where i live when your pregnant you have to see a midwife any way. You don't get the choice here.

  3. I had a midwife for both of my births, and you literally couldn't pay me enough to have a baby in a hospital. But that is just what works best for my family.

    I think that you should educate yourself midwifery, interview several midwives, and then make the decision that best fits your family.

    Try for information, or look up Ina May Gaskin's books. Sheila Kitzinger, Peggy O'Mara and Peggy Vincent are also great authors on Midwifery.

    Good luck on your pregnancy and making your choice!

  4. I plan on a natural childbirth, so I am going to have a midwife.  If that's what you're interested in, then that would be my suggestion....  

    What part is the dilemma?

  5. If you are hoping for a more 'natural' pregnancy and labor, and have no particular risk factors, I would definitely go with a midwife.  

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