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i am starting 6th form in september and iam curnentley choosing the a levels i want to take but i am finding it hard to choose between two subjects psychology and sociology and i was just wondering does pyshcology play a part in the course as i have recentley found out that i am very good at sociology but if i have to take psyhcology i wont be able to take it so please help will i need to take psycology or can i sit sociology as my preffered subject i now this really is not a relevant question to any of the subjects but it is the ony one where i now i canget some answers thank you




  1. Psychology is working with the mind.  Sociology-social/people.  I would do the psychology.  One reason is that I don't know many people that actually work in sociology field even through they majored in it. They went on to do other things.  Psychology is

    a much more broader field. Better employment in the long run.  You can always go back to school later and pick-up another major.  Midwife- you would have to deal with the state of the mind of the person.  The mind is very powerful.

  2. Look at the pre-requrisets for Midwifery. If Phsycology is on it, then do that, if Sociology is, then do that.

    If neither are, do the one your best at to get the best marks possible. :)

    Good luck!
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