
Might Barack Obama make a better president in four years from now? why not wait till then to elect him?

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Obama only served 143 days in the senate when he started to campaign for we really want someone with so little experience leading our country? give him four more years to cut his teeth, then vote for him...but for now, vote for experience..




  1. i don't think we can handle 4 more years of Bushes playbook~!

  2. I was thinking the same thing the Media trys to make it seem like his VP has experance so its ok but its 4 years mabey I'll consider it but now theres no way....

  3. Sorry, but I have seen enough with Republicans running the White House over the last 8 years.  They have done nothing but make a mess of things.  Experience obviously doesn't mean better.

  4. I'd rather vote for someone with less experience in ripping me off like bush.

  5. That amazes me, one term.  Something is very fishy about that.  He was tapped by the illuminati (mafia), Chicago is known for that.

  6. Go to pick the candidate and then pick the issue on the right side of the screen and you'll get all the quotes or videos the candidates made on the issue. each quote has a link to an article on the quote.  Great site that I just found. Obama entertains the type of change we have all been begging for in government.  The present posture of our government presents us as the terrorists to the world.  In my 61 years there never was a time that anybody could point to the United States and not know what we stood for... FREEDOM, DEMOCRACY AND THE RIGHTS OF FREE MEN AND THAT WE WOULD SUPPORT THOSE WHO WANTED IT.  In the last eight years though, we have stood by and watched one group of men completely dismantle what has stood for over two hundred years.  You sir need to reread the Bill of Rights and count those rights that GW has moved to subvert and destroy.  Barack is in this fight for one thing and that is to set the Constitution back in place and pick up the gauntlet for the common man.  Re- asserting Habias Corpes will be a good start.  Read the history of Habias Corpes and you will understand. Getting us out of this war is another way of rescuing us from our present course of bankruptcy. Redressing our so called free trade agreements and rewriting the tax code to more closely resemble a flat tax.

  7. If  Republicans wanted to start a war they would of started now.  I think McCain has seen enough brutality for a lifetime.

  8. because 4 years from now we will know how he votes and what direction he is leaning towards and by then ... the US will wake up and smell the coffee ... and he would not have been elected.

    McCain 2008

  9. I'd rather elect him in 2008 AND 2012.  143 days in the Senate?  Why do Neocons act as if Obama didn't exist before he took the US Senate seat?

    Obama has more than a dozen years of legislation experience.

  10. Because John McCain will have us up to our elbows in WWIII. Nope, sorry, we need him now.

  11. Electing him now or waiting four years from now won't change his policies; he's still a tax-happy racist with socialist/Marxist policies.   Four years won't make a difference because it isn't going to change his communist beliefs!

  12. Elect McCain and there won't be anything left to rescue in 4 years.

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