
Might have Fleas in Workplace?

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I think my husband is bringing fleas home from his workplace, a furniture store. We started getting them after he started working there, 3 months ago. Over the 2 months, we've fogged 3 times and spread Borax in our carpets and we have not seen a flea for the past month now. We saw one, and another. 2 days in a row.

They have had a problem with fleas a few weeks ago, and I'm not sure if a professional came in or they tried to DIY it.

My husband is a manager there but there are 2 other managers above him. What should he do or say to his superiors about this problem?




  1. That's a drag! Because you get them cleaned up out of your own home and he'll bring them right back in if his workplace doesn't clean up! He should talk to his immediate boss first (I would in a heartbeat). If that gets no action go higher. Other employees must be getting flea too.

  2. Your husband needs to talk to upper management about the problem and the issue its causing in your home. Also he needs to contact the health department and HOSA. If the building has fleas what else could the building have? It could be a potential dangerous work environment for your husband but also his family.  

  3. He should tell  his supervisors..

    If they lease the building then the management companie has to deal with it.. If not then contact the board of helth  

  4. There's no doubt that your husband needs to tell his boss something about this.  It is possible that there are fleas in his workplace because fleas may like wood.

  5. You say you haven't seen a flea for the past month. Then you say,

    " We saw one, and another. 2 days in a row." Is this since the past month? Do you have them now?  

    You do not say that you have no pets. If you have pets, they could easily bring fleas in from the outside. Even if you have no pets, you are aware you could be bringing fleas into the home on your clothing.

    How close to home is your husbands's workplace? This makes a difference to liability of the store/employer. A flea won't stay on an inactive host for long. What is time frame of the drive home?

    As management his voice is certainly heard.

    Your husband should discuss his considerations with the management of the store. However, if the store has dealt with the problem, and no longer has a problem you need to wonder about if new fleas are showing up, are they larvae that has hatched or are they from a new crop of fleas? There is no reason that fogging 3 times hasn't worked to remove all fleas. Except to wonder that new fleas are coming in. Also, you might not be getting fleas from his work, though it is possible.

    As an employer, they should consider their position. How bad was it for the store? Is the store liable for your husband bringing something home to the house ( such as fleas)? Should they just spend $ 75 and have your home sprayed? What about all the other employees? Do they have fleas? Do they need to have their home sprayed?

    Myself, I would assume fleas in your house is your problem, not the business owners problem. Especially if they have been proactive at the business to relieve the source.

    This is the middle of flea season so it's not surprising you have them. Often they're brought in by humans on pant legs or shoes. Most humans don't get bitten by them but some do and get a bad reaction. You need to treat your carpets and drapes with an aerosol that will kill the flea eggs. Usually fleas don't go higher than about knee level. When you see fleas jumping around high places, that often indicates that you have an infestation.

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