
Might i be expirencing a miscarrige,?

by  |  earlier

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but not sure, i didn't assumed i was pregnant but i was about a week and a few days late with my period, yesterday i was feeling very light headed went through about 5 pads, very heavy flow , last nite i was sitting watching a movie when a felt like it had run through my pants and indeed it had, when i went to use the restroom, i felt something fall out of me like a ball, i looked and it was about the size of my palm more or less, with back pain all day yesterday, i feel very light headed again today and still very heavy flow with slightly smaller blood clots like the one last nite...I'm 25, have one child, never had a prob like this before...




  1. Those sound like the common symptoms of a miscarriage. It sucks because the blood will not stop flowing for a little while. Just like when you give natural birth, you bleed and bleed and bleed. But, you should still see a doc so that they can run some tests on you and check to see if it was a miscarriage or a bleeding disorder.

  2. The best thing for you to do is take a pregnancy test, you will still have traces of HCG in your system. Something similar happened to me and I miscarried. Either way you should call your doctor and let him/her know what is going on.  

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