I read a lot of articles claiming that you shouldn't give money to the homeless. The usual reasons being that they are drug addicts, or just lazy. Today, I bumped into one. He asked if I had any change...
A whopping 6 cents I had on me. I ended up throwing in some smokes too, because I saw him with a cigarette, and knew that was something he wanted.
I am curious as to what makes people believe that the homeless don't deserve any luxuries. Small luxuries. Smokes, 10 bucks. A beer, 6 bucks. Drugs? Maybe 20 or 30. We walk out into the winter air, and can't even tolerate it for the 30 seconds it takes to catch the bus. They live there 24 hours a day. Who are we to say you can't have things that are bad for you, yet alleviating?
I have lived on the street without money in the summer, and that was hard enough. The way people blanket homeless people under one motive disgusts me.
Even if they jip you, they're just trying to get by. There is no guide to how one must live their life.