
Might start eating chicken again?

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ive been vegetarian for about 7months(but i eat fish, not sure what the proper term is but whatever) and im considering eating chicken again.

has anyone else done this before?

or like stopped eating some sort of animal and then started again?

im mainly doing this because chicken doesnt sicken me like all red meat does, plus its really hard to order any sort of fast food and theres NO hot food for vegetarians at my canteen.

any advice on this?




  1. I love chicken. Maybe coz im black. Chicken is THE best.

    You're not doing anything wrong, properly cooked chicken is pretty good for you, gives you proper nutrition and stuff.

    If you really felt strongly about it, don't eat it. Plenty of people live healthily without meat. not me though, I need my chicken.

  2. Many of my friends have been vegetarian but at the moment they've all given up. I know some will go back to being a vegetarian but it never lasts, it hasn't so far.

  3. I haven't done that before. I went vegetarian and stayed vegetarian. Vegan now.

    If you don't mind my asking: Why does red meat sicken you but chicken not? Is it the texture or taste or the fact that the animal is bigger and appears to suffer more in the hands of farmers and slaughterers? Hens are like dogs or cats with feathers. I've rescued hundreds of them and they are lovely creatures. You should just see how they act when you get them to the sanctuaries and caring homes and let them free, so much different from how they act in the barn.

  4. Chickens are by far the most abused of all farm animals.

    Much more so that beef.

    If you skip red meat for animal welfare reasons then choosing to eat chicken is perhaps the most bizarre step you could make.

    I visit plenty of places that don't offer vegetarian food. I don't suddenly change my moral values because thier canteen is lacking in options. Its not like you'll die of starvation if you skip a meal or take your own lunch.

    Its your choice to pack in the vegetarianism, but please don't blame it on the lack of choice in the canteen.

  5. go for it!

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