
Might the Brits have a point ? This yank thinks so?

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The Brits love to tell the story of Noah's ark and how the animal waste was sinking the ark so they throw it overboard and in 1492 some w*p found it Now at 1st I would dismiss this as the quantity of waste would be the same as the feed But after thinking this over there is one animal that expells three times the amount that they take in Do you think it would be possible that all of Noah's animals were English? Discuss




  1. You need a checkup from the neck up discuss

  2. Your head needs an e***a.

  3. Run that one by me again, I don't have a clue what you're on about.

    I'm assuming, from the lack of grammar and sense in whatever it is you said up there, that you are please go back to school and learn to write in a way that people can actually understand, then come back and ask that question again.

    The answer to your question, anyway, is no, it wouldn't be possible, because anyone with half a brain will tell you that Noah never existed......only religious-mad Americans and the Pope actually believe that.

  4. Thats blasphemy. Stick to Science.

  5. No...

  6. yes

  7. I enjoyed your joke.  Sad though that so many from England know nothing about the bible.  This is a country that considers itself the centre of civilisation yet is totally ignorant of the word of God.

    This goes a long way towards explaining the situation we are in over here.

  8. Every animal existing was on the boat............

  9. Ah ray old chap I'm smiling as i feel i have to write this criticism is something we have gotten used to its such a pity all nations couldn't take criticism as well as us intelligent Brits!

    That's the great part of yahoo you always get a few!

    Don't hold back Veni tell him how you feel!

  10. maybe

  11. The Brits might indeed have a point. The yanks around here obviously don't get it though.

    Jo Brand, bless her little heart, once said the yanks have no sense of irony. She had a point there too.

  12. Is this Ray the crazy American I remember from a while ago? You've mellowed, man. Greetings from the civilised world.

  13. You have a truly great sense of humour - so unusual in a yank - have you spent time in the UK?

    Laughed my head off - and I am a Brit - we do enjoy being the butt of truly intelligent anti- English humour.

    However never heard the story of Noah's Ark - so if you don't mind I will use it when an anti-yank stance is called for.  LOL

  14. It must also be pointed out that a proportion of the american populace can trace their ancestry to England. An England that was glad to see the back of them, these were the folk that caused the dunghill called the usa and now proudly call themselves american. It has of course been shown that americans are mostly full of S**t, now we know where it comes from.

  15. I think you need to go take your meds, Ray.  I've never heard that story before.

    Don't forget to vote McCain this year. . .

  16. *sigh* Didn't get quite the responses you were after, did you?

    Poor old Ray. Keep trying.

  17. dung know

    Rich Hall explains everything. . . .

    Most Americans own a bible - usually the King James Bible.  That's the English bible - the one in which it explains that God is an Englishman and therefore the entire Globe shall belong to the English - including colonial America etc. . .just keep reading. . . .

  18. I have not heard of that one before but am to lazy to even be bothered discussing it. life is too short

  19. Im not sure what your point is but I am sure your being a prick

  20. I have no clue what your talking about.

  21. If it was between England or America, they be English, because if they were American, they would have sunk the boat

  22. Actually this story is nothing to do with Britain, it is in the book of Genesis in The Bible and was written by some person who lived in the Middle East. (Try Google Earth - V good if you don`t know where anywhere is outside of the U.S.)

    God was said to have wanted to destroy the world so caused floods etc etc.

    Just a mad story made up by someone who didn`t understand science, nothing to do with Britain. By the way will you stop calling us Brits, it`s very irritating. I`m English and the Scots, Welsh and folks of Northern Ireland are usually even more irritated by it.

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