To make it short, I'm 18, have had migraines since I was 14. They do not run in my family. I had a horrible migraine yesterday, threw up 6 times, dry heaved. So much throbbing pain, miserable. I'm so so tired of them, sick of them. I cannot afford presc. medications right now because I am supporting myself right now. I went to the ER one time and have to pay a $500 bill for that. They come ever 1 1/2 - 2 weeks. They are controlling my life. Affecting my work and college. I can't take them anymore, they worsen everyday. I feel so down and depressed and even thought about suicide. I want a normal life. I want to wake up every morning and not have to worry if I will have a migraine. Alot of people don't understand only if you're a sufferer as well. Please, does anyone have any advice or anything theyve tried that has helped? Please, email me or respond. Thank you so much - any help is greatly appreciated.