
Migrating to Canada - First steps & how to start it all?

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I've been thinking of migrating to Canada and wonder if I stand a chance. I have 16 years of education and around 5 years of work experience and I'm below 30.

My question is, where and how do I get started with this whole thing?

I mean, what is the first step that one needs to do after he decides to migrate to Canada. I know the process takes around two years and you need to have certain amount of funds. But that's all I know, and I'm clueless about the rest.

Who do I approach? What do I file? In short just how do I start this thing off.

I'd really appreciate if some of you could please provide some advice on this and a little more on the whole process in general. I'm an Indian, based in Bangalore. Also, Is it necessary to do all this through an immigration lawyer, or is it possible for me to handle the procedure on my own.

Thanks in advance.




  1. Migrating to Canada has become really easy with the introduction of Simplified Application Scheme. Go on CIC website and download this 2 page document, fill it out, pay the fees and submit. You can fill this form yourself and need no lawyers. Your application can be processed more quickly now due to a recent law change which allows officials to process application according to their discretion. Earlier the queue system made the process lenghtly and cumbersome.

  2. Skilled worker to Canada.

    No you do not need a lawyer. They cannot do anything fo you as you are the one running around collecting all the information. Lawyers are an extra expense.

    There is one thing to note - and that is that processing time from India is CURRENTLY taking 6 years, and once you apply, you have NO CHOICE but to wait the entire time. That is because you go into a queue and there are literally millions of applications ahead of you.

    ALL Indians have to wait this length of time to be processed. And this is why I say lawyers are a waste of money because they CANNOT make the process go any faster. There is NO way for anyone to expedite their application - not even the lawyers. Canada treats everyone fairly so everyone gets in the queue.

    First you have to qualify.

    You need to have at least 1 years work experience in your chosen field before you can apply. 4 years is better - gives you more points.

    You must meet the following minimum requirements to apply as a skilled worker:

    You have at least one continuous year of full-time, paid work experience or the equivalent in part-time continuous employment. Your work experience must be Skill Type 0 (managerial occupations) or Skill Level A (professional occupations) or B (technical occupations and skilled trades) on the Canadian National Occupational Classification (NOC).

    You must have had this experience within the last 10 years. NOC list

    assessment test - you must get 67 points to qualify.

    You will need at least $10,000 saved up - more if you have family - before you apply as you will be required to show this proof that you have this money when you apply.

    application processing times in Skilled worker category

  3. Get the requirements at the Canadian embassy in your country so that you could assess your points through the different categories if you will be accepted.

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