
Mike Ingham a reckless and undemocratic experiment ?

by Guest57948  |  earlier

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Question: Is moving people en-mass to the UK from distant countries a reckless and undemocratic experiment ?

Question Details: People are moving en mass to the UK regardless of the opinion of the real British. Certain countries have proven significant differences with real British people as shown in the Corruption map below. This makes mass immigration from some countries a reckless experiment and would not be accepted if the real British were asked about it first. To rephrase the question: Do you agree that if the British had been asked would we have mass 3rd world immigration into the UK? THE BEST AND THE WORST 5 least corrupt states: Iceland Finland New Zealand Denmark Singapore 5 most corrupt states: Chad Bangladesh Turkmenistan Burma Haiti Source: Transparency International Criticism of the Government's immigration policy intensified when Julie Spence, the Chief Constable of Cambridgeshire, revealed how the steady flow of Eastern European migrants with "different standards" was placing a huge strain on her rural police force. Other police chiefs backed Mrs Spence's comments. sothatswotdidit,Bored in job?, bored in Yahoo Answers about the most significant change in the whole of UK history namely a creeping immigration takeover, get an Open University course. Eugenics possibly?

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  1. Q :Mike Ingham a reckless and undemocratic experiment ?

    A : Possibly.

  2. Why worry about what you cannot change.I live on an island called the UK which lies of the coast of Europe which is part of a continental land mass called Eurasia which is in the Northern Hemisphere of a planet known to it's inhabitants as Earth which is the 3rd plant 93 million miles form a star which we here call the Sun in a solar system in a galaxy known as the Milky Way which is part of a Universe which is beyond my comprehension.

    I may live till I am in my 80's due to the fact that my space here has allowed me access to care and a standard of living  which will look after my bodily needs until my body breaks down due to wear tear and age as a result of my life-style.

    I also have a Spiritual aspect which some may call a Soul and I believe that within and without all existence there is a higher power...a creative intelligence..who has offered me an escape from the trap of attachment to what I am lead to believe belongs to me like for country.This power has many names and many truths but the one truth I know is that I must not judge my fellow Human beings and only wish them from my heart love and prosperity.

    There are others who have great power and influence who wish for me to deny my spirituality and divide my love and prosperity for others on the basis that I am British...White...Christian.They also want me to lose myself in something they call politics and democracy.

    As a child of the Universe I cannot do this and I welcome all to my home and world in love and prosperity.

    One day I will leave this place and that is all that matters to me.

    Love and prosperity.

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