
Mil's bf is making me paranoid about what i wear, what should i do?

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My mother in law to be and i are very close, we are around each other almost everyday. But she's dating her First ex husband again and he's living with her. On Saturday all of us (mil,him,my fiance,and me) went to my fiance grandma's house. We started to talk about how i'm 6 months pregnant and then they wanted to see my belly and i showed them and my mil's bf spoke up and said " Man you should have saw her the other day,she looked bigger in that tight cute shirt" and the only shirt i've ever worn around him was a maternity shirt that went to my hips and it wasn't tight it just showed the outline of my belly. And lately he's been looking at me weird and i don't like it one bit, neither does my fiance. See i have some sexual abuse experience from my half brother and ever since then i've been very picky about what i wear,do,say and people i hang out with. I just feel very uncomfortable around him, he gives me the creeps. I told my fiance last night " i'm so sick and tired of perverted men" b/c he wanted to go to his mom's house to get the stuff he left behind,and i was looking for something to wear and i just like freaked out b/c it's made me kinda paranoid know he's been looking at me.Btw this man is 44 and i'm 18. Yeah, Eww. What should i do?




  1. you said you are picky about what you wear because of what your half brother did to you sexually but your ID screams that you want this kind of attention that the mother in law to be's... bf/ex husband is giving you.

    anyway you should tell this man to back off and keep his lude comments to himself, then look at your MIL and tell her you would prefer to visit with her when she is not with a man who enjoys making you feel uncomfortable.

  2. Tell your fiancee wahts going on and then talk to ur mother. maybe she could go to him and tell him so u dont have to confront this perv. ugh just thinking about him makes me want to spit. if it doesnt stop. ignore him. if he says something to u be like. i am 6 months pregnant and ur not carring this baby. stfu and then turn around and be like "anyways". he will be shocked u said something back

  3. you and fiance need to sit down and talk about it then confornt mother in law and her bf (which i think sounds GROSS) HE doesnt sound classy at all. UGH

  4. You don't haver to go to their place just because your fiance is. Stay home. Tell your fiance to let your mother know that both of you feel uncomfortable with him around. He probably won't change and if he is able to keep those words to himself it still feels weird to be around him.

    Don't wear skirts around him if you have to be around him, and anything you wear while pregnant will look tight to other people, just not super clingy. If it helps, just wear baggy clothes around him, although I'm sure he'll still talk. I would avoid being around him. I also hate people like him, I find them disgusting and it's sad they exist!

    Tell your fiance you'll stay home when he goes over there. You don't have to go all the time. Find something better to do that will give you that extra excuse not to go there. You don't have to follow your fiance everywhere, that's just stupid.

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