
Milan, Italy...what places should i visit? any good nightclubs?

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I am going to Milan, Italy in December...yes, i do know it's too early to think about that but I just love planning my trip. I am 20..btw. so I was wondering about beautiful cities/tourist attactions i should visit. Any ideas? i've been to Rome, Venice and Florence. if you know any good nightclub in Milan, let me know! btw do they have an age restriction in nightclubs?? Thank you!




  1. Irishman in Italy here.

    Well, first thing to say is, don't expect Milan to be anything like Florence, Venice and Rome. It isn't. It's an industrial city principally and outside of the comparatively small 'tourist' areas, unless you are really attracted to warehouses, there is not a lot to see.

    Second thing, you will be very safe in Milan as violence is rare. However, your possessions will not be safe. So, keep them near to you at ALL times. And neither will you be protected from the fact that the price of everything increases by 400% when you demonstrate you are not Italian. So, do your best not to be robbed/cheated too much. Which is to say, prepare yourself for the fact that you WILL be cheated, it is just a case of how much.  

    Third thing, find street markets to do your shopping rather that the high street shops. You can get some great things cheaply on the markets.

    Fourthly, be sure, damned sure in fact, that you buy your Euro in your own country before you come to Milan. Otherwise, you will be robbed blind by the exchange rate Italian banks charge you.

    Final thing (you don't say where you are coming from), but take a BIG THICK coat, hat, gloves, and scarf with you. It is much colder in Milan in the winter than the UK.

  2. I don't know about clubs.

    We enjoyed the visit there last summer (see pictures below), so the weather was definitely warmer than when you are going.

    Do book the Last Supper tour in advance or go with a tour that includes the Last Supper visit.

    Eat where the locals do.  You may have to ask around.

    Good luck and have fun (stay warm!)

  3. I am Greek and i have visited Milan three times. It is a quiet nice city with many places to visit. One of the best places is Brera, a neibourghood with very nice houses and shops as well as the Duomo. You can find many bars at the Naviglio, which is the river that passes through Milan. Don't neglect to try the italian cuisine, the original carbonara and the great italian pizzas :)

  4. For a disco search here:

    And if you have money to spend go to:

    You know what? Milano is not like any of the cities you visit...mmm.....Why don't you go to Umbria if you go to Perugia you'll have a blast...because is an "university with a city" full of people from all the world...long time ago I used to go to MOMA DISCO... or go to Lago di Como... George Clooney owns a house there!, Positano or Sicilia??? There are a bunch of places...that are so much fun!

  5. i'm italian .... HOLLYWOOD is a most popular disco in Milan ... there are a lot of VIP ......

  6. I spent three days in Milan and was very rushed, and didn't have the opportunity to see everything I wanted to see.

    FIRST - RESERVE YOUR PLACE TO SEE THE LAST SUPPER!  You must book far in advance to if you're going at a busy time (there are no spots left for this summer!) tel +39 02 89421146  Agents speak English and there is no cost to reserve, but without that reservation you won't get to see it.  (first link)

    After that, see and do what interests you.  The area around the Duomo is fairly interesting, with good shopping and interesting architecture (Galleria Vittorio Emanuele, La Scala Operahouse, etc).  The Duomo itself is fantastic, but I suggest paying to see the crypt and not bothering to pay for the rooftop visit.  Dress appropriately and don't take flash photos inside the Duomo.

    Castle Sforezco is also fantastic.  Admission is really cheap, and it's got enough museums to keep you entertained all day.  They have everything from modern art to an unfinished Michaelangelo Pieta.  Just when you think you've seen everything, you'll find another entire building waiting to be discovered!  There are other good art galleries in Milan- Pinacoteca di Brera has Mantegna's "Dead Christ" and Hayez's "The Kiss".  

    I made a website about my travel time in Milan, see the second link.  Legally, there is no age restriction in nightclubs, but there are often strict dress codes- dress to impress (no running shoes) or be left in the cold.

  7. Hit the Rolling Stone - one of the biggest clubs in Italy if not Europe.  On occasion, they have all ages nights.  You have to see the Duomo (cathedral) in the center of town.  From there you can really go anywhere.  There is some serious shopping all over that area from Gucci to Versace.  If you want to hit the street vendors, which is always fun; from the train station, get to Corso Buenos Aires for some great deals on tons of stuff.


  9. As others have already mentioned, Milano is not like Venice, Rome, or Florence. I have been to all three mentioned before, and grew up in Milano and still visit family in Milano each year. Milano is like home to me, so I love it.

    But it's not exactly everyone's favorite pick. The only reason you hear so much praise about Milano is because of the big fashion scene there and a few things to the side.

    It's quite crowded in Milano, not with tourists, but just with industrial life and people, buses, trains, buildings, etc which means there is a lot of noise! Oh, and tons and tons of graffiti :p

    Some beautiful houses are covered in graffiti.

    The china towns have also increased greatly.

    There are plenty of clubs, though - If that's what you're looking for, Milano is your place. Age restrictions vary. And please, be careful who you meet. There are quite a few nuts cruising the streets. People are not as friendly in Milano like the other 3 places (but that does NOT mean they are rude). From the last times I visited, a lot of things have changed.

    The duomo square, though, is one h**l of a sight to see. And if you're into all that fashion stuff, visit the street Via Montenapoleone. All the high fashion designers have their little stores along that street, so you'll probably only be able to window shop, unless you're wild rich! It's fun to look at the stuff, though.

    Over all, just be prepared for Milano, don't expect it to be a laid back place like the rest. If you get what you want out of it, you will love it for sure.

    I hope you have a good experience when you go.

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