
Mild-moderate cramping off and on all day...labour signs?

by  |  earlier

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I've been having this for a week, this past week my doctor said I've dilated 2cm, my next appt is tomorrow. I've been having mild or moderate menstrual-like cramping throughout the day and every time I go to the bathroom. is this braxton-hicks contractions? they last for a few minutes and then go away like in waves. I don't remember this happening so much with my first born...but then again he was a week and a half late.




  1. maybe.  

  2. it's more like braxton hicks, if they were labor pains, they would be very consistant, every few minutes.

  3. Ive been having the same pains, but with alot of pressure. Went to the doc today and im almost 3cm. She said it was just the dilation i was feeling. I dont remember it with my first either.

    But you could be going into labor too so time them!! If they progress go to the hospital!!

    good luck

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