
Mile Run Tomorrow!!!!!!!!! Help!!?

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I have a mile run tomorrow

I usually run in around the 8 minute range, is there anyway to cut my time off by a minute in one day???

like something you eat or something that can help you??

Thanks guys




  1. sry u wood need weeks to cut it down nuthin u eat can do that accept drugs and high caffene wich is bad

  2. do a few warm ups about an hour before the run. and also drink water at that time. don't drink water right before you start, or else you will cramp. drink after.

  3. eat alot of carbs that helps you run faster and stay on speed.

  4. there's no magic tic tac or something you can eat to make you run a minute faster.

    I would suggest carbing up tonight because the carbs you eat the night before a run are your main source of energy believe it or not.

    Warming up before you start the mile is also a great idea- take a lap or two, easy jogging, around the track before hand to loosen up. When you're starting off cold, that can make you stiff and slow you down.

    Just do your best- 8 minutes is NOT that bad, especially for a girl. I'm in the same range and that can get you a Presidential Fitness Award depending on your age. Take it easy, it's just gym class.


  6. Do you have a plan to run it? I used to run the mile (4:42). It took me a long time to figure out that there was a gimmic to running it.First lap is a sprint as hard as ya can go, then taper off just a little and 3d lap is about the same as 2nd. Last lap is all out sprint again. Your first lap time will be what you can usually run the 1/4 in as fast as possible. Your half mile time will usually be about what you will run --doubled. You need to build up your stamina and heart rate--as well as your legs so they won't get weak on ya. If you are serious about the mile , ya need to be running everywhere ya go. I had a car and still ran to school and ran home after practices. I lived in a town of 10,000. and school was on the other side of town. I usually didn't eat anything that day until I was done running.

    Good Luck!!

  7. Maybe stretching a lot and drinking plenty of water now.

    When u run, don't clench ur hands, it uses up energy.  Although it may look stupid, keep them straight and relaxed.

  8. Tonight drink lots of water and eat a lot of carbs, then drink lots of water tomorrow too.

  9. Monster, Energy drinks , caffine, 5 minutes before mile run, that way it will kick in, but you won't crash till after the mile.

  10. Don't eat a lot an hour at least before as it will give you cramps.  Pretty much start off at a medium pace and increasing faster pace.  When you get about to the very end sprint for it, it's the end mind as well.  Triple tie your shoes, I got 7:55 instead of my usual 7:15ish because of having to stop to tie my shoes.  beyond that.  Just be a good runner.  Good Luck.

  11. Im leaning towards crack or maybe steroids.

  12. well streaching can help alot also eat alot of carbs and when running extend your stide and breath in through your noes and out your moulth

  13. a good warm up before the run and lots of water to keep you going. just remember during the race, nothing else matters. just push yourself and you can do it.

  14. i believe dat food cant help you right know but you still have time to go for a walk a jog or do something athletic or tommorow in your mile dont walk like the first lap run second jog third jog 4 jog half run last part

  15. Banana's are good

    BUT don't eat too much, you'll feel ill...

    Not much you can do in one day,

    Pray for strength tonight,

    Good nights sleep...

    8min is good!

    Just keep on training & try and keep up with the fast runners!

  16. pace somebody who is faster than you

  17. practice thats a really good score by the way

  18. i don't know but drink gatorade, propel, and water but don't eat alot before running it will give you cramps and wear light clothing

  19. I find it that to beat 8 minutes or even 7, I just ran faster...Don't stop too..Just run faster..It's not that hard to bring it down from those times.

  20. a mile is very little, what i do is run a mile before i stretch so just run a mile and not stretch or think about it and just run

  21. warm up, drink some energy drinks and maybe some coffee and then try your best. Don't eat or drink right before the run cuz you'll get side aches and it will slow you down

  22. dont listen to the guy that said energy drinks thats just stupid!! and no theres really not... it kinda takes weeks sorry

  23. oeqweiurfwlekufhdlwkehfoiuewhrfiowefoiue... iufewryferyfoihqerouhgouiwrehoiuerhoireh...

  24. actually you need to have lots of endurance

    you body needs to get used to running long distances then we can start about your speed. and eatting carbs doesnt make you go faster its just stored energy it doesnt meant that its gonna make you run faster

  25. dont chew gum while running.

    worse experiecne of my life.


  26. Don't eat any 'heavy' foods and hydrate a lot, but not too much, before your run. Eat fruits and veggies tonight and tomorrow morning.

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