
Miley Cyrus? Opinions please.?

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I personally don't get why people like her. In my eyes she doesn't have GREAT talent, but shes okay. I hate her lyrics. Your opinion?




  1. I think most everyone on Disney is quite degrading.

    The worst thing about her is her teeth.

    I don't really like her, but everyone sings her songs, then it kind of gets a bit catchy aha..

  2. I personally like her, but that is my taste in music, I like the beat, there are people better than her but she has a pretty good voice. She is also pretty. I see why many people don't like her. Her voice isn't AMAZING but it isn't horrible. She may not be your taste, and her choice of music may not be your style. But why do people listen to country, and others hate it, why do people like rap singers, while others can't stand rap... it's all about your taste.

  3. I like some of her songs like 7 things or Breakout but I'm like not a big fan, I don't adore her. She's got something that she's good in which she went far with it. That's why she's so successful! But Idk. you?

  4. Your wrong in saying "she dosent have GREAT talent"

    The correct wording would be "She dosent have ANY talent"

    Yeah I think that's the phrase you were searching for..

  5. I agree completely, shes not great but okay and most her lyrics do suck but its for the kids and the kids like her cause she's hannah montana so I don't care.

  6. not too many people i know like her either

    i personally don't think shes the best signer or actor but if every one agreed with that she obviously wouldn't be famous, so some people must like her

    i dont think shes great at all, but thats just me

  7. She has NO talent.

    Her only OK song is 'See you again'.

    What did you expect? She's a Mickey product. (Not artist.)

    She's like a Mickey Camera, when Canon Camera already exist... Can I be more clear?

  8. my opinion is that shes OK at what she does but shes getting into it WAYYY TOO MUCH. shes thinking that shes like 25 or something because she does all these moves in her songs and takes all these pictures for guys but shes younger then she thinks she is...

  9. Voice sucks, music sucks, and only famous because of who her dad is. It's another case just like Jessica and Ashley Simpson, Although Jessica deserves what she has but Ashley sucks and I mean SUCKS!  

  10. i agree, her songs are only catchy, not that great. not much talent, the only reason that she got famous was with her dad, otherwise she would be just another girl

  11. I LOVE Miley Cyrus, why do people hate her. I HATE Selena Gomez. But I don't go a round asking people on their opinion. In MY eyes, Miley is a great person. She is a role model to many people, and she has great talent. Her lyrics suit a 15/16 year old teenager. There is no PROBLEM with her. The apparently "confirmed" s*x tape, is fake! It was obviously an impostor, she's not Paris Hilton you know. Those pictures of her in a bikini, uh mm NO PROBLEM WITH THAT!  And those other "bad" pictures, there completely normal. That's what teenagers do. It's just that paparazzi people will get anything they can get their hands on, just normal infamous teenagers don't get picture spam like that. If they did we would be all OVER magazines, so SUCK IT! I MADE MY POINT AND IT'S THE BEST ONE OUT THERE!  

  12. Her lyrics are annoying, but she grows on you if she's played constantly. I'm still not a fan, but I don't hate it anymore. (About 7 things I hate about you)

  13. shes a disney star


    what do u expect

    all disney stars end up being huge

    juts like the stupid movie high school musical terrible ****** movie but still  managed to become hugely popular!!!

    i mean she has some talent but there are many people with greater talent

  14. I think her fan base is like 4-10 year olds. Don't you think? When I see her accidentally on TV I flip the channel as soon as possible. It is like fingernails on a chalk board for me.

  15. i hate her with a passion. i think being extremely annoying to the point where it provokes anger in other people should be illegal. if that were a real law, she would be on death row right now.  

  16. I totally understand what you are saying.

    I'm in high school but I baby-sit all these little girls who are like obsessed

    Almost like its back to the 90s boy-band obsessed

    I thought she was okay before she became so obsessed over

    Now the thought of her songs and stuff just annoy me.

    And her lyrics aren't that good

    especially that song 7 things  

  17. She tries to be mature, when the truth is, she's only fifteen.

    She's incredibly rude and annoying.

    Her lyrics SUCK.

    She can't sing.

    Her smile is too gummy.

    And she's just plain fugly, inside and out.

    Hope I helped!

  18. i feel the same way as you. she has no talent in singing whatsoever.

    acting, shes okay because hannah montana is an okay show lol

    i dont usually watch it tho.

    i personally hate miley cryus i think shes a s**t.  

  19. her voice is OK i have 2 admit.

    haha i'm the exact opposite as u, i like some of her lyrics.

    mostly the songs that she didn't co-write.


  20. please stop posting questions like this. search miley and ull find a million questions exactly the same as this one. stop polluting the Y/A! boards wih the same ***** question over and over.

  21. Well I personally think she isnt as grounded as she says she is. Young girls look up to her wich is totally wrong. Girls should  have respectable  women as rolemodels, like authors and athletes, not bimbos who take there clothes of for a photo shoot. She cant even cut a good album with out her fathers help. I have nothing against her dad, I actually like him a whole lot more than Miley. There are no good rolemoldels anymore>

  22. i hate miley cyrus she a ***** she sucks i think big black should take her place and go on huge tours with his amazing talents. if big black and miley were to have a talent contest big black would totally win.. he is way better than miley cyrus she a w***e

  23. She's okay .. I guess. And she's not that great at acting ...I find she acts like a 10 year old when she's a lot older than that

  24. OMG dont get me started.

    Her lyrics are stupid s h i t. Shes a poser. She dreses like a barbie doll. She tried/tries to put up hot/s**y pics up of her self on the internet and it just looks pathetic. Her voice is pretty annoying. Bad actress.

    Thats about all I can think of right now. I guess I can understand why LITTLE kids like her. But ot teenagers. That is just wrong. In my OPINION.

  25. Hallelujah! Someone is smart here! She lip sings and she is only famous because daddy is a country western star. Plus have you seen those T-shirts with her on it? She is as ugly as a gorilla! Her show isn't funny at all and frankly she is as fake as a 90210 boob job! ;)

    Answer mine;...

  26. oh come on, i doubt any of you guys can achieve what she has..and if the people that run disney didnt think she had any talent then they would not have hired her. they find some prretty talented people, (ex.selena gomez, demi lovato, jonas brother..and many more.)

    so leave her alone.

  27. I've.. never actually heard her songs until you brought this one up. I never really cared -.-

    As for my answer, I didn't like her much when I heard her sing a few minutes ago.

  28. i agree. i dont think she has talent. she cant sing, and she cant act. and she's a w***e. she doesnt deserve her fame. i hate her. she annoys the h**l out of me.

  29. i hate her

    jb fans!

  30. I think she needs to stay away from cameras and try to wear more clothes because she's a little slutt!

    I don't like her music to much either.  

  31. Wow! I have never seen so many losers, jealous tiny-hiney's and immature little pin-headed children in one place before.

    Miley Cyrus has become a very famous multi millionaire at a really young age.

    Something that none of you hateful little kiddies will ever achieve in your whole miserable lifetimes.

    Eat your dark hearts out and keep feeling inferior. Because you are.

    She sure won't care while she's takin' her money to the bank. Hahaha!!!

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