
Miley Cyrus? Racy or Taken at wrong time?

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umm pictures taken at the wrong time lmao

now what do these little kids have to say about there favorite disney star




  1. Some people are just s**y in pictures, hey maybe she wasn't trying to look all racy, it just came out that way. People are just jealous.

  2. i dont really think anything is wrong with that picture.

    Wow, her stomach is showing...

    & you dont even know if it is really her. not to mention,

    im NOT a fan of hers but i dont see anything "SO horrible"

    with the picture.

  3. Everybody needs to back off. She is a TEENAGE GIRL. okay? she's gonna do things that regular teens would do. if some random person did that, they would not be interoggated, but they would laugh it off. let her be who she is, a regular teen girl. im sure she feels bad about the whole thing

  4. I can't stand Miley Cyrus and I am waiting for Disney to drop her, hard, but the hacker also said that these pictures were taken back in November.

    But she is still a s**t and as soon as her show becomes less popular (which it will: every show does) she will get dropped

  5. I can't believe she would take a picture like this. I can't stop crying and my heart goes out to her family.

  6. Her fans are behaving in no way different.

    It is just that there is no world wide demand for compromising photos of them.

    They weren't taken at the wrong time because they will not harm her.Now , or later.

    It just reinforces the belief among her fans that this is behavior that is to be accepted .

  7. I don't see what the big deal is. What teenage girl doesn't want to feel s**y?  The media spits it in their face so much that they feel almost compelled to lift their self esteem to meet the perceived sexiness the world demands in every aspect of it's pop culture, hence the provocative "MySpace-like" photos. I think people are making way too big a deal of it.  The girl is just a girl, not a w***e. Have some decency people.

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