
Miley Cyrus Sweet 16 Question?

by  |  earlier

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Ok so me and my friend want to go to this but if you have the miley cyrus party ticket do you need a separate disney land ticket to?




  1. Sorry, i don't know but you are willing to pay $250 a ticket to go to this thing?

  2. your actually paying to go to that?

  3. haha your going to that?! wow

  4. You actually want to waste money going to that?

  5. yeah you do, isnt that g*y?

    so its like 315 bucks just to get into her party

  6. No I don't think so because DisneyLand said that it will be closing the whole park for Miley's Birthday.

    So..I guess one ticket gets you in becuase then once you are in, you're in her party.


    I'm sorry I just never would do that (if you can't tell....I'm not a big fan)

    You know its 250 per person, and she's only getting more money. Doesn't she have enough?  

  8. wow can't believe you'll actually pay 250 bucks for her

  9. ssorry don`1t know but you could just check out more details about it like go to disney sites or ujst google it!

    but i know its $250  per ticket and that the tickets will be sold on 30th august i think and the party is on 5th october thats all i know

    but personally i don`t think that we have to purchase a disney world ticket

    hope i helped!

  10. they sell ticket tickets for that????

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