
Miley cyrus, is it just me or is that girl nothing but a stuckup annoyance?

by  |  earlier

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ok, so for the past couple of months ms. best of both worlds has been getting more and more popular and i dont understand why! she is so fake and concided...and whats worse is that she tries to act like she is neither of the two...when ever i c things realted to her i cant keep from gagging...and the girl cant even sing and the clothes she wears! aaaaaaaaahhhhh!!!!! so plz tell me im not the only person who hasnt been swept up in this miley storm




  1. umm sorry but as far as i know you are the only one. at least that goes for all my friends and anyone even know. yea shes very talented and i think shes a good romodel for everyone representing her christian views. so to all you athiests who dont like her for that reason, im sorry you are that way. not accusing any of yall by the way, i just dont know how to say what i think without it coming out mean so sorry if this seems a little mean. but uhh yea i do like her to summarize things up  

  2. My aunt asked me if I liked Miley Cyrus, but she doesn't have kids and didn't know who she was. I was like, uhhhhhh.

    Down with Miley!

  3. wow..thank god there is somebody else out there like me..=)

    i agree with u a 100%!

    i dont know why she keeps getting more and more popular..whats so great about her anyways?!!

  4. no it isn't just you

    The biggest problem I have with her though is that her popularity is unproportional to her talent. She has the celebrity status of some of the most talented singers that I know of and yet vocally she sounds like an annoying dying cat compared to any of them.

    Other than that i dislike her because she thinks she's funny but she's not.

    i like demi lovato tho

    i have hope for her lol

  5. Oh my .. thank you!!  You're so very much not alone!!

  6. Her nose is so far in the air when it rains she'll get waterboarded.

    When it's not stuck up in the air it's stuck up her pansy fathers butt. Those two are weirdly obsessed with each other and always have their noses stuck up each others arses.


  7. No Love Her trust me!

  8. ha.ha. everything you just said is true. =]

  9. i happen to like miley cyrus so keep your comments to yourself if you arent  going to be nice

  10. i totally agree cant stand her i could not have said it better myself  


  12. Just ignore it like I've been doing for the past year.

  13. no you arn't the only one. It anoys me when I keep on seeing her face everywhere. She's not that great!

  14. Trust me! You're not. I actually used to like her, but now? Blech. She's really not a good role model. She gets on my last nerve. But, I say a year from now, no more Hannah, thank heavens! I'll admit her voice isn't all that bad, but she's everywhere. Ugh. Miley fans, go ahead and give me a thumbs-down. I couldn't care less, because number one, it won't change my opinion, and number two, all you're doing is changing a little number on the screen. Whew, that was my rant for the day, lol.

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