
Miley cyrus or selena gomez and who do you think nick would look best with?

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i think miley because she is bubbly and selena is boring and i like miley better o come on miley is funny and selena is just cocky




  1. im with you i say miley all of mileys ex fans  hate her because she put some nasty pics up well nobodys perfect just like hannas song so all her ex fans went staright to selena but i honestly think miley would look better and i like miley more to i have nothing against selena thats just the way it is

  2. I love Selena she is more like the type of person nick needs to be with!!

  3. Selena!

    Most def.

  4. Selena And Nick LOOOK Goood Toqether But It All Depends On How They Feeeel Abouut Eachotherr:) And Miley And Nick Areee In LOVEE!!

  5. MILEY . :)

    Selena just plain bothers me...

  6. I really like them both. IT is hard to choose. I Think that Miley and Nick make a cute couple, and Selena and Nick make a cute couple. I think that Miley would really be a good girlfriend because she seems to care a lot about nick...She was really upset obviously that they broke up because she wrote a whole song about him. And I think that Nick is dating selena because Miley and Selena kindof have the same interest. Overall I think that I would have to say that Nick shouldn't have broken up with her!

  7. I say Selena she may act conceited on her show sometimes but She is a very nice person and funny...Miley on the other side has a scrachy voice and her laugh is retarted just like herself, And those pictures shows us she is not sweet and inoccent like who people thin she is...


    SELENA ROCKS!!!!!!!!

  8. Nick won't go out with either of them... he "WANTS" his brothers lol

  9. Selena Gomez

  10. Um...How about neither..?

    Selena is pretty fake and she doesn't really care about her friends, that is what I've heard anyway from people.

    And Miley she is slutttty. I mean, the pictures? She has fans ranging from all ages, and it really isn't an appropriate thing for a Disney Channel star (who is a role model for very young girls) and is only 15. I know I won't be doing THAT at fifteen.

    For Nick? He deserves me. ^.^

  11. selena....she is prettier then miley..

  12. i think he looks better wit selena, but idk bout their personalities

  13. miley is hotter

  14. selena

  15. me

    I hate Miley and selena

    and miley is fake she has like 10 different names

    Selena is boring and her show is dumb

  16. selena because she is hot and miley is dum and has all these differnt sides stupid to me

  17. i like selena better

  18. Who are you to determine who someone goes out with? What if Miley is a huge spoiled ***** behind closed doors, and Selena is a normal person? Wouldn't that be kind of rude to assume on here? You have no clue how any of these people live their lives, you have no clue what they are really like, and calling someone boring and cocky without knowing them is asking to be awarded biggest idiotic a*****e.

    Why don't you concern yourself with other things like, who would YOU look best with? Help your social situation a million tons and grow a brain please.

    *edit* Dear Kay, I have a little story for you! Once upon a time there was a woman who was in a relationship with a man. They broke up. She wrote not only a single song, but an entire album about what he meant to her. We now know this album as Jagged Little Pill, and she most certainly did not write nice things about her ex. MORAL OF THE STORY: Just because someone writes a song about someone else does not mean they care about them deeply and love them. You also have to realize that spoiled little brat doesn't even write her own music. Disney wouldn't allow it I'm sure.

  19. i like them both and i think they can both do better than nick!

    soz just my opinion

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