
Miley freakin Cyrus ruined my favorite color for me?

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she took my pople! how dare she!!!

purple used to be my fav color. i was obsessed until she had more and more purple around her. its her signature color and that bothers me. my eyes are literally turned off. im serious. the other day i saw a lady with purple pants. normally that would look beautiful to me but now its as pretty as vomit.

i feel a little plain now that ive lost my obsession. ive moved to light blue. that can be very pretty but for some reason i cant be obsessed with it like i was with purple. is it weird that i feel like ive lost a part of myself now that i hate purple? is there any way i can like purple again (besides being ok with Miley. theres no way i can stop hating her. she is too annoying. liking her would be giving in to her brainwashing)

Miley fans: im not sure you would understand my dilemma so i guess this is more directed to the haters.




  1. umm i feel sorry for you?

  2. WOW... get over it. I wouldn't change my favourite colour just because I don't like a certain celebrity.  

  3. Isn't that Hannah Monatana's color?  If so, don't sweat, she not even real.  If it it is Miley herself, what shade of purple does she like?  If she likes one shape in particular, try using a different shade of it.  Hope this helps!

  4. Very sad.

    I mean, you are very sad.

  5. To say that everyone else is being "too serious" about you not owning a color, is a little hypocritical. Because I think you're being a little too serious about a hating color just because someone that you don't like also likes it.

    Um, but I guess if you need to, just find a new favorite color...what other suggestions could there be? Lol. =]

  6. It's called growing up. Tastes change over time. Change can also be scary and a little sad. If it helps you to cope by blaming it on Miley, then go ahead, just as long as you're not a jerk about it and trying to ruin things for the die-hard Miley fans.

    It could very well be that as you grow and change, different things will affect you differently and perhaps purple truly has become something that your eyes have become sensitive to. It's happened to me.

    Take your light blue and find a way to make it sparkle on you.  

  7. Don't try and like Miley - stay in the Sane Camp.

    But her liking it doesn't mean you need to stop loving purple. I understand completely when someone who abhor likes the same thing you like, it doesn't seem right afterwards. But stick to loving purple, it's a very cool colour and IMO much nicer than light blue.

    Remember these two things:

    1) You liked it way before she did, she is an unoriginal colour-stealer.

    2) Her fifteen minutes as almost up. Soon she'll fade into obscurity, but among your friends and family you'll be there so much longer so you can stick it out!

    Eventually there'll come a time when you look back and think

    "Why did I go off purple for a bit?"

    And you know what? You won't even remember her name.


  9. ok so your mad because purple isnt your favourite colour anymore

    c'mon are you like in kindergarten or something?

    and by the way miley rulez!!

  10. Well, as far as I know, the insane stay insane. The only thing that's gonna fix that is meds, and possibly painful shock therapy.

    Seriously, stop acting like an idiot and get over it. We all hate Miley as much as the next guy, but that is just retarded.

  11. i frickin hate her! shes an immature lil piece of work and her not singing voice is so annoying!  u arent insane to be bothered by her using purple all the time.  

  12. U RLY shouldn't stop liking ur fav. color just because some u hate likes it too! I rly like Miley but I'm not saying this as a "Miley fan", actually, I'm not even a fan AT ALL! I just like her. ANYWAY, u can't just dislike ur fav. color. It's not how it's supposed to be done. Plus, she doesn't even KNOW u like purple. In fact, she doesn't even know u! So there's no point hating her AND stop liking which used to be ur fav. color. So...I hope u understand!

  13. . . . .

    Wow people are really messed in the head these days.'

    CALM THE h**l DOWN

    Its not like you own the color purple

  14. i hate miley. we all hate her. but get over the stupid purple.

  15. WOW what are you 8?  

  16. Why are people...obsessed with her so much? I mean, millions of people in the world like the color purple. Just because a girl does who you're not a fan of likes it, you should change your favorite color? Wow.

  17. ok relax

    i really dont like her at all

    but i really dont think that should stop you ... thats like saying even the the ipod is a good product and you like using it,  your not gonna use yours anymore cuz you saw her with one

    thats just like grade 5 stuff. its unnecessary

  18. you should get youreslf checked out. seriously. to be THAT obsessed with a color shows early signs of depression.

    go get a hug from your dad. force it if you have to. and get a hobby to keep your mind off the delusions in your head. fresh air might help as well.

    : then see a shrink. you need to get this taken care of before its too late. you may need to be medicated or you'll end up in a straight jacket.

  19. Nope! You didnt create purple and if miley wants to wear it/use it then she can!

  20. okkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk u need to calm down

  21. LMFAO

  22. hahahahahhahah

    i just keep on getting 2 point for great laughs today


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