
Military, cops, or whoever...if Bush declared 'Martial Law', would you fire on your fellow citizens?

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Like the Kent State shooting?

Are you truly here to protect the people of the United States

or are you the personal, private security for the Elites, people that would tell you to kill Americans, if/when Americans start to stand up to tyranny?

See what's going on?





    It doesn't matter now.

    Previous Plans for Martial Law during the Vietnam War Protests, Iran-Contra were Ignored by American Society.

    H E Y - Y O U - S T O P - A S K I N G - Q U E S T I O N S

    *********************** H E Y - Y O U!! *********************

    Wanted For Victory!

    Your Blind Allegiance

    Your Complacency

    Your Conformity

    Your Uniformity

    Your Silence

    Renounce Your Liberties or Terrorists Will Win.

    Stop Asking Questions or else, You, will be Indefinitely Detained.

    When Guns are Outlawed, Only Outlaws will Carry Guns

  2. I have been waiting for some one to ask this question and I applaud you for doing so.

    I could never ever be recruited to do any harm to Americans by taking away civil liberties or freedoms.

    There should be an outcry from people because what is happening in the USA with our constitution and the Bush Administration.

  3. Martial law is government by military authorities when the normal machinery of civilian administration has broken down as a result of disaster, invasion, civil war, or large-scale insurrection. It is not to be confused with military law. Any trial of civilians held by military authorities under martial law would not enjoy the status of a court martial. We would actually still follow the Laws set forth by the Constitution, and the location where we are... it does NOT mean that we are at War with the Civilian Populous... contrary to some uninformed opinions.

    What am I here for? To support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and DOMESTIC; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.

    I am here to defend the Constitution, not the Elite, not the poor... but the very Fabric of our Nation.

  4. This is a major problem with soldiers in general, whether they face enemies or their own people.  

    Much of the point of regimented training is to instill in each soldier a deeply ingrained habit of following orders without having to think much about what they are actually being told to do.  

    Because in most people the natural tendency is to not kill others, even enemies, much less their fellow citizens.

    Thanks to the magic of regimented training however, you can be sure that a reasonable percentage of government troops, if they are properly trained, will shoot you and your family down like dogs with great proficiency, the instant they are told to do so.

    As surely as a properly trained dog will salivate into a little glass tube at the ringing of a bell.

  5. All enemies,  foreign and domestic.

    Anyone who posts a link to youtube...........really dude, 99.5% of that c**p is fake. Read a news paper..........

  6. ha timely... i was at a wedding reception and johnny law was earning "overtime"... i asked him the same thing...and shockingly i war relieved to hear his response!  

  7. I thought it was already?

  8. If you take a close look, we almost already have that in some places.  Overzealous cops are rampant criminals themselves.  Just try to observe what goes on late at night and consider the huge levels of funding for police departments around the country.  They have more guns, gadgets and stuff than many small countries' defense forces.  Along with that consider all this "Patriot Act" c**p that allows them to get away with almost anything.  Being in Law Enforcement used to be a noble profession but anymore they are all just thugs. So, Bush doesn't have to declare martial law since they can accomplish the same thing without announcing it.

  9. If Martial Law was declared, the first person to be gunned down should be d**k Cheney.

    I say, let the shot-in-the-face fellow 'quail hunter' be the one to do it.

    Although there would be no shortage of volunteers...

  10. What would I fire with??  When (not if) our President declares Martial Law it will be when all our guns have been rounded up.  They're all registered remember?  

    But if I still had my guns...I would only fire to protect my family or to feed my family.

  11. I am retired military with 36 years of service.  I would never fire on American citizens unless they were committing an illegal act that put my life, or the lives of innocent people in danger.  I took an oath to support and defend the Constitution, and I took that oath seriously.

    All police and military personnel took that same oath, and I am sure that the vast majority would honor it.  There will always be a few bad apples.

    Don't forget the propaganda factor.  During the Waco fiasco, criminal politicians circulated rumors that the Dividians were manufacturing drugs (so they could use the Texas National Guard equipment).  Janet Reno said that they were abusing babies.  These were both shown to be lies.

    Even the claim that the Dividians had illegally converted semiautomatic rifles to full automatic, was challanged by the NRA.  The National Rifle Association wanted to have the rifles examined by metallurgists to determine whether they had been converted BEFORE, or AFTER the fire.  Our politicians refused.  I wonder why?

    If lies are spread that peaceful demonstrators have murdered law enforcement officers, or military personnel, what effect do you think it will have?  At the same time, the American people need to stop believeing all the wacky conspiracy theories they hear.  There is plenty of criminal activity.  But let's concentrate on exposing real conspiracies, not conspiracy theories.  And maintain good relations with law enforcement people.  Remember, they are Americans too.

  12. Panny's not thinking too clearly tonight.  Are you doing your home work early?   Is this one of the questions the Communist/tenured professors gave you to ask?  Hope you get that useless A from him.  He hasn't hit on you yet, has he?

    AS for IOERR:  You are not insulting because you are too ignorant to know anything about the military.  We are trained thoroughly about "Lawful Orders".  Jerk!

  13. No. If Bush wants martial law, he will be the only one enforcing it. Luckily, he's a terrible shot.

  14. I'm not in the military anymore, but if I was I would use common sense. I would know the reason martial law was declared and act accordingly. I would fire on someone that was doing something to purposely harmful to another person. I would use my judgment and do what is right. I know the difference between right and wrong.  

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