I have been getting a lot of help on this PCS information. My friend's fiance is moving to Germany for 2 years. I know he has a deployment date (I believe he is supposed to leave now possibly from Germany to the war in October.) I was just wondering, since they are supposed to get married and March (plans might change for them now) how long would it take so she can actually go live with him? Now from what was Would she be able to live with him at least b4 he heads off next year in October or would she not get a chance to live with him depending how long they won't allow her to move? She told me if she won't be able to live with him at least for five months, she might as well just stay home. But I've known her for a long time and I know she will be crushed if she can't be with him. But I told her maybe after he gets her put on the orders she could leave, but I honestly don't know. (My fiance is in the army as well and this information can be of some use to me also, even though it hasn't happened with us....yet) Thank u everyone for your help.