
Military Radio Protocol Question.

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How would a radio exchange between Pvt. Salt and the tactical operations center in a combat hospital go?

Sample situation: Sgt. Pepper in the TOC needs to ask Pvt. Salt (he's sweeping the second floor hallway) if he's done tying yellow ribbons on all the pencils at the nurse's station.

I have a general idea, mostly of what they are not supposed to say. Help me write accurate fiction, Yahoo! ANSWERS.




  1. For a tactical situation, the exchange would be kinda like this:

    Sgt Pepper = H55

    Pvt. Salt = k23

    " Kilo two three, this is Hotel fife fife, over"

    "Hotel Fife fife, this is Kilo two three, go ahead, over"

    "Kilo two three, status report, over"

    "Hotel fife fife, near completion, estimate three zero minutes over"

    "Kilo two three, rodger that, request contact when complete, over"

    "Hotel fife fife, rodger, Kilo two three, out"

    "Hotel fife fife out"

    Never was the mission named or rank mentioned. No "thank you" or unneeded words. Just clear to the point and clear commo.

  2. "Pvt. Salt, this is TOC." "Request status of your assigned mission" "Over".

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