
Military Wives Please!!!!!

by  |  earlier

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My fiance is going to be going back into the army in december, obviously he will be my husband by then!!! A part of me is excited and another part of me is very nervous. Can some of you military wives and husbands give me some advice on what to expect when he goes back. Also I am in Nursing school I don't get out until May so that means that we won't be together when he leaves; how do you think that could be handled!!! Naturally, I would like to keep myself busy but are there any other things I could do???

No mean or sarcastic responses would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks In Advance!!




  1. Well, If hes been out longer than 3 years he will probably have to go to WTC (mini- basic training) and if he chooses a new MOS he will have to attend AIT for that....If hes going in directly to the same MOS and they decide he wont need WTC he will go wherever,and more than likely stay in barracks until you join him,either that or he can set up your housing in the new location. Now keep in mind he may be sent to Iraq or afghanistan rather husband rejoined in mid July and he ships out for iraq in the beginning of september :( Fortunately he only goes for 6 months,because the unit they shipped him too was already over there.But anyways like you said,and everyone else has said...Just do your best to stay should do that for you...and find some kind of activities thatll keep you busy.

  2. Tanker's school will definitely keep you very busy during the's the nights you have to find something to do. I would suggest something that occupies your mind for that too.

    Most of us have things to do during the days, so it's not so bad. But at night when the house has settled and it's nothing but you and your thoughts---that's when things can be hairy. Find something that will simply EXHAUST you. That's the best thing you can do. Get involved with your FRG! Go to the meetings---an ignore ALL politics and just have fun. :)

    And if this is the TankersWife I'm thinking of-----hey woman! :)

  3. You gave your own answer. Just keep busy, it really is all you can do. Time flies trust me I know. Have been through the training part of it and now am into the deployment part.....hahaha. Keep the lines of communication open between you and him and you should be just fine. First rule of thumb when becoming a new military wife though is that you definitely will learn how to suck it up and drive on. Good Luck!!!!!!!!!!!!

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