
Military adoptions?

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My husband is in the USAF. He's wanting to adopt my almost 5 yr old daughter. Her father has neglected to keep contact in 2mnths and literally only pays the $198/mnth child support to stay out of jail . Is there any "help" for military families concerning this? I have an appt with legal advisors on AF Base this coming week




  1. This is going to be a long journey of back and forth.  My husband and I are military (active for him, ex captian for me) and our best friends went through this.  From what was explained....since the father was paying child support and was an active role of visiting when scheduled...the summer and christmas break.  The military and legal office said that the original father would remain because of how active he if the father of your child signs papers allowing the adopting to proceed, then things could be easier.  Everything will be evaluated, if you let the father see the child, back ground history with you, father of child, husband....the military digs deep as would any legal office. Just be prepared and pray that the father agrees to adoption because it could be one big power struggle.  Best of Luck

  2. Have you asked the father?  If he really doesn't want to be the father, then you shouldn't have any trouble getting him to sign away his rights.

    If he says that he won't sign away his rights, don't push the issue right away.  Let him think about it.  This is a big decision to make.  Get an attorney to talk to him.  Whatever you do, don't threaten him in any way.  There is no legal means to force him to do this, and it could negate the adoption and subject you to criminal charges.

  3. I think it is awesome and the military base provides legal aide. The actual adoption fees for the court isn't free and you still have to go through the county of residence you are in but they get you all the necessary paperwork and will assist if you can not have the bio-father relinquish rights (it IS easier on you if you can get him to sign though and he won't have to pay child support anymore,that is how I got mine to sign anyway) Also ask your legal about the investigation process for your county they are all different but for step-parent adoptions it is usually easier because you already have an established relationship. We just finalized my daughter's adoption on MCB Camp Pendleton and it was surprisingly easy. Good Luck!

  4. The only way your husband will be able to adopt your child is if the father signs away his rights as a father.
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