
Military and u have kids??????????

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how does the military work for you and your kids in a good and bad way? would you say its the best for them seeing that the workforce is not all that great???? real answers please




  1. I am in the Navy and have three kids, (16, 14, & 12).  Some times it is hard on the kids, finding new friends, changeing schools, etc., but by the same token it has made them resillient, they make friends quickly and are more tolerant of other people and cultures.  If you have kids and are in the military you need to spend your time with your family when you can, eat dinner at a table not in front of a TV, pray together, play together, be there for them, because they will be there for you.  Love you spouse with all your heart, Your spouse will be your rock.  As far as your comment on workforce, I'm not sure what you meant, but how is the military any different than the Firefighter who goes to work for days at a time, or the Businessman who travels, or for that matter the regular blue collar worker who comes home and watches TV while ignoring his kids.  It is all about relationships, the job doesn't matter.  My kids have seen the country and the world.  They have experienced more cultures than most adults.  As in everything there are plusses and minusses to everything, that's life.

    US Navy CPO

  2. I married my husband back in 1998 and he had already been serving in the Navy for 12 years. We immediately started a family together and by 2004 we had 4 children, all born in Military hospitals, all moving around from the time they were babies. When our daughter was 4 months old in 2004, we moved to Italy where we were stationed until earlier this year when my husband retired from the Navy. I can tell you that I seen it as an incredible experience for my children. They have lived and been all over the United States and Europe. I know many people see Military children as living unstable lives, but that's not true. As long as you prepare them and give them a loving home, kids easily adjust to new situations.

    Now that my husband is retired from the Military and has a civilian job and we are living a "Civilian" life, our kids are always asking when do we get to move again! They loved the idea of meeting new friends and seeing new places. And the best thing about Military kids? They learn to travel REALLY well! You can put my kids on a long flight or a put them in a car for a long drive....You never hear anything out of them! They are always content because it's the life they have known since they were born:)

  3. My husband was in the Army before our children were born, so it's the only life they've ever known. Our children are currently 11, 11, and almost 8.

    Sure, there are the downsides, such as dad having to miss birthdays, holidays, etc. It can be difficult moving and having to say goodbye to friends, making new friends, and changing schools. They don't have the luxury of being surrounded by extended family such as grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins.  But military children are never alone. The kids they go to school with and make friends with are all military brats as well-- they see their lives as normal. The military community is very close-knit. They have plenty of support, programs and organizations, and don't feel as though they are missing out on anything. They just don't know anything different. They don't fully grasp the idea that there are actually dad's out there who live with their families 24/7 and that people live in the same house their entire lives. That idea is completely foreign to them. "Home" to them is not just a house-- it's where our family is-- wherever the Army sends us. They have experienced many different places and have seen things they would not have if not for the Army. Travel is an adventure for them. They are extremely resilient, self-sufficient, outgoing, and adapt easily to situations.

    They have a strong sense of pride in our military, our flag, our country. They see the world as bigger than themselves. I feel the military has greatly enriched their lives.

  4. My wife was a "military brat" and has been all over the world. She loved it.

  5. Army's been great!

    Kids are fully covered (medical)

    They get to meets others kids like them.

    They get to travel and experience stuff

    My son is a Army brat and he's visited more places than most people could dream of. Who could ask for anything more?

  6. your question is a little?????  My kids were with me in the Army from birth till they left for college.  I liked it and so did they, travel was great, there is no safer environment than an Army post and the workforce was great.

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