
Military guy and s*x..... Is it love? Or is it s*x?

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My x is being deployed really soon. And i have been trying to get back with him for a while. Now all of a sudden he is getting deployed and he wants me back. He says he loves me all the time but i posted "i love you" on his myspace and he deleted it. is he using me for s*x before he gets deployed or does he really love me?? is it a big deal that he deleted my "i love you" comment?? Does he love me or is it just s*x?




  1. s*x s*x s*x.... he's just takin it while and where he can get it!!!!

  2. JUST s*x!!! I know from personal experiance and from friends, ive noticed that all the men ive met that are being deployed do the same thing. you are going thru the same thing that myself and 4 of my friends have gone thru. Its just s*x...TRUST ME!!!

  3. If you’re suspicious, that’s a bad sign and should tell you your own answer! Deep down you must know that it’s not love because if it were, you wouldn’t be thinking this way.

  4. no way,sorry to tell you but he just wants you for s*x

  5. It is a big deal that he deleted it. It obviously says he didn't want someone to see it. Which in return means he is involved with someone else enough for him not to want the person to see the comment. People use the term love loosely. I don't know the depth of ya'll relationship but, he probably do love you, yet also seeing someone else to that he's interested in.

  6. could be many things..could be that being deployed made him realize how much he is going to miss you and loved you all along OR that he wants s*x...with him deleting the comment its really hard to say...what I might do is be in the relationship with him but try to keep my heart under control until he comes back and I see his reaction and compare that to how he was while way to know til he gets back :(

  7. wake up, open your eyes. he deleted your comment to him saying you loved him and he talks to you when he knows he is getting s*x.


  8. it's s*x. sorry :(

    I mean, he obviously doesn't want anyone to know you two are involved. Find a worthier guy :) One that wouldnt try to use you like that.

  9. He deleted your comment because he didn't want anyone else to see it.  Maybe he loves you but you know he is thinking about s*x and it might be the last time he has it.  He might not return so he is probably trying to get as much as he can.  Don't be too angry with him. Let him get his rocks off somewhere else.  Find you someone else to deal with..he is going away for a while are you willing to wait on him with the possibility that when he comes back there will be nothing between you but the s*x he had with you in the past.   Use your head for more than a place for him to put his....

  10. it's just s*x.

    The again you could always sit him down and talk about this like adults.

    It's up to you.

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