
Military opinions only please, do you think WW III will be coming soon?

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With Russia attacking Georgia, our ally, us being at war in Afghanistan, and Iraq, Iran's threat to Israel, and producing Nuclear weapons, China's inhumanity towards it's people, a new threat to Poland by Russia, Hezbollah attacking Jews, do you see this all playing out? Do you think WW III is not too far away?




  1. WW III, The only way WWIII would occur is if Israel was attacked or Israel attacked Iran, and Russia started to attack other neighboring countries, and NATO declared war on Russia, then Russia, China, and Iran would team up, China may or may not join, because they are only looking out for China and it would have to be in China's best interest to fight. And other terrorist groups would most likely join them as well. But so far Iran and Israel are on edge, and Russia is might attack Poland only if the conditions are right, but the US will not and can not fight on its own, and so far US has said that the military option is not an option. In my opinion is that we can still stop all out war, there is still time. Just need not to escalate theses situations  

  2. If they were linked By Idealism, I could possibly see some correlation.

    You have individual squabbles going on. Russia was motivated by

    Putin only. He is wanting to redevelop the old Soviet Union.

    Iran/and the Jews. That is going to be the deal breaker. That could

    have some major implications.. Russia and Poland noise only.

    One Russian General shooting off his mouth does not mean war.

    China has its own internal problems and will fall to them. People are

    much smarter now. Don't see a world conflict per say. a number of

    little problems likely.

  3. Depends on what you mean by "too far away".

    After Christ's crucifiction and resurrection (in the Bible), 40 years later, Rome destroys Jerusalem, and many thot those were the "end of days" that Christ was talking about.  They didn't realize it had more than 2000 years to go.

    Do I think that things could escalate immediately into WW3?  I doubt it.  But it could happen.  You just never know.  When things like world wars start, they start pretty quickly.  But it does take time for things to get to the "boiling point".  And this might just be some posturing by Russia to get more favorable in the world market.

    So if WW3 happens in 20 years, is that soon for you?  Besides, WW3 might be a conventional war, not some nu-ku-lar disaster that everyone expects.

    I do NOT think that because the US is in Iraq and in Afghanistan that WW3 will be coming soon.  It will be much more dire straits to get WW3 started.  But Russia & Georgia might be the spark to set things off later on.  I'm sure it'll be a part of it eventually.

  4. No. Russia responded to an incursion by Georgian troops into a disputed province and put ethnic Russians in peril. With the exception of its occupation of Tibet, the Peoples' Republic of China has never ventured outside of its current borders with aggressive intent. They entered the Korean conflict because they felt themselves in danger from a UN Peace Enforcement Mission smack up against the banks of the Yalu River which separates China from North Korea. The threat against Poland was one Russian General shooting his mouth off. I suspect that, right now, he is being reassigned to blanket inventory control somewhere on the Siberian Peninsula.

    As for your assertion of China's inhumanity towards its people, you might want to do a web search on the aftermath of that recent large earthquake and learn how their troops labored to rescue people and how the entire populace banded together in that rescue and recovery operation.

    But, the biggest reason that there won't be another world war is the existence of multi-national corporations with commercial fingers in every corner of the globe. Global trade brings peace because no one wants to bomb their own assets. Right now there are a few Russian pilots in trouble for having bombed an SU-25 fighter aircraft parts plant in Georgia.  

  5. Even the most brilliant military genius cannot foresee the future.  As of now, US has the largest and strongest military forces in the world, followed by China.  However, China's military is nowhere nearly as mighty as ours (as evident in US DoD's budget, which is 10x that of China PLA's).  

    So, as long as our politicians don't do anything stupid like monkey president, George W. Bush, had done, WW III should not occur in the next 20~30 years.    

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