
Military pay question?

by Guest33169  |  earlier

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ok i'm aware that you get paid on the 1st and 15th of every month but say you make $1375 is that sumed up by you're pay days on the 1st and 15th or do you get like $1375 on the first and another $1375on the 15th.

now keep in mind i'm not joining for money..just trying to get an understanding of how payment works.




  1. Go to this link and look at a pay scale. This is the base pay (does not include BAH, flight pay, combat pay, jump pay, etc.)

    You take the figure on the chart and that is what you get TOTAL in a month. If the box says $5000, I get $2500 every 2 weeks.

    Keep in mind, you can request for them to pay you once a month instead of twice a month.

    -Army Officer and Pilot

  2. That amount is split in two. Half on the 1st and half on the 15th.  They also take out state, federal, social security, all that good stuff, plus your GI Bill pay in ($100 a month for 12 months), and your SIGLI (life insurance).  Out of the $1375 a month you make, you will see about $1000
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