
Military power: President vs. Congress?

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I'm doing a argumentative paper and I need to find 3 arguments on whether should the president has more power to military control or should the Congress has more power?

Military power as in the power to declare war, and how certain undeclared wars (the Korean or Vietnam war) affect the power of the Presidency and how this in turn affect the checks and balance system.

Can you provide me with some information and the links to online articles where I can find out more information about the topics so I can start wring my paper?

Thank you very much.




  1. i think the commander in chief should have total control of our military, but our legislative branch should be the only entity to actually declare war. in moments of necessary decisiveness, i don't want a commitee hem-hawing around to get something done. i want a single person to be able to make that decision. and every vote i cast is based on this, and this alone, our president does very little to control our country's laws, aside from a rare veto, or pigeon-holed bill. our president is basically a spokesman for the american people with little actual affect on our partisan laws. limited executive powers is what makes our nation great, and seperates us from the monarchy's of nations before us. look at all the problems in Africa, and try to compare our great nation to some dictatorship like that. tribalism has never been a part of our history, and now it has become the front page concern of democrats, and republicans alike. write your paper based onm the facts, our executive branch does very little, it provides a backstop for all bills passed by the house and senate in an effort to avoid PACs and Lobbyists from controlling the laws set forth on our great nation. our executive branch assumes the responsibilities of our commander in chief, and our executive branch appoints nominees for office, such as supreme court justice (which must be approved by the senate) so who really has control? just a little something to think about.

  2. I got two arguments for ya.

    The Military Recognizes the President as their Commander in chief no matter what!

    Only congress has the power to declare war (not the military) but the fact that constitution has been ignored for decades close to a century has made it the new defacto standard that the president can send the military anywhere any time no matter what despite the fact that it's unconstitutional.

  3. Only Congress can declare war..Often, as was the case in Desert Storm, Iraqi Freedom, Viet Nam, Korea. and Grenada, no declaration is issued. There is obviously military action, but no "war." Ultimately Congress can declare war, but exercises no control over strategy. Clearly the Commander in Chief has more power as you phrase the question.

  4. The President has control of the Military. Congress has control of their money. We have control overall.

    Once people figure this out, the better off this country will be.

    The House of Representatives is the most powerful part within our government next to the judicial branch. Figure this out.

  5. president

    or executive branch

  6. The Presidency as we have come to know it of late has far too much power. Some agreement as to how much force is necessary and when must be left to a larger body of individuals. The commitment is too great, the extrication process too time consuming as well as potentially humiliating. Not to mention the loss of life as well as well as capitol. Just look at the history that you have cited.

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