
Military this possible...or am i just being paranoid?

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I have a friend who is in the military...the last time i heard from him was a week going crazy after not talking to him for so long...however, i always notice that all of his buddies are online all of it possible that he can be assigned..or sent to the field while others in his brigade stay on base? or do brigades always go to field training as a group?




  1. Men in the military seldomly get a chance to write home and when they do, it's usually only for 10 minutes or so. I haven't heard from a friend in the military for going on a month now after back and forth writing. It doesn't mean he's been assigned, it's just difficult sometimes to get a chance to write. I wouldn't worry about it, you'll hear from him soon and hopefully get an update on his situation!

    Also make sure when you're writing him, your not including anything "out of the ordinary". The military reads and filters all letters in and out.

  2. I know many people in the military, mostly family members and they don't get as much time to talk and chat as you may think. Just because you see someone logged on doesn't mean they are really there. They could have just left their computer on.

    It has been a long week for both of you I am sure but I would give it more time before becoming concerned.  

  3. I think you're just paranoid.

    If he and his buddies are all in the same unit then there might be reason to be paranoid.  A number of things could explain this.  

    Since you say Brigade(BDE), his buddies might be in a different Battalion (smaller element than BDE).  Different Battalions have different times and dates they go to the field.  They normally don't train as a Brigade unless it's a major field exercise.

    He could have been put on a detail, like funeral detail, in which he can't access a computer directly.

    Or...maybe he didn't pay his internet bill???

    Besides...why don't you just call him???

  4. hello ,

    it coculd be that he has an assignment that keeps him from contacting you . for example . drivers sometimes they have to drive superios and are not with the batallion. i am a army wife of 2o years . do not worry there are a lot of reasons that he can not get in touch with you . :)  

  5. Another possibility is your buddy got into trouble and is serving time doing extra duty.  If so, he/she is doing c**p work from 630pm till midnight as punishment.  Most of my soldiers don't tell their family when they get into trouble because of shame.  Just a possibility

  6. From what i know,

    im fairly sure they get put into groups.

  7. wow, im going through the same thing... i wouldnt really know but i just thought that i would say that you're not alone :)  i mean its a big shock b/c we went from texting several times a day to nothing at all in a week.  but i know that hes fine and that he would message me if he could.  dont worry too much, relax, i mean there's nothing you can do.  thats what i keep telling myself.


  8. Each person in the military are to received an assignment daily or weekly ?   some have some sort of top secret assignment through time limit such as you or family might not hear from him in month or years ?   it,s all in part of trust policy in the services ?

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