
Military question - please help!

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I understand that while your husband is in basic and advanced training, you won't be able to live with him during that time. When he gets out, you will be able to, but do you only get that opportunity if you have kids or are you still able to get that opportunity while having no kids at the moment?




  1. Once he's finished with his entry level training (basic & MOS school) & get's to his duty station, you can live with him.  It doesn't matter if you have kids or not.

  2. you as a civilian to can live anywhere you darn well please.  in order for the Military to fund the move, the orders must be accompanied.  

    if you are referring to base housing: Anyone who is authorized may live in MFH if available.  we don't have children and have lived in MFH several times.  having a spouse and receiving accompanied orders means he will be authorized.   just be warned that the waiting list varied by paygrade and bedroom entitlement and can be 2 years long.  

    married with no kids means he woud be entitled to a 2 BR unit.  with many of the older homes being demolished, only 3 BRs are being built, but that doesn't mean you will automatically get one.  

  3. not when he is traning but when he is finshed you and him can get a place of your own next to his base but u will have to pay for that - belive me yo will be wating a very long time untill he finished all his traning!!!

  4. That's correct, while he's at BCT/AIT you can't live on base, because he doesn't have an assignment, so where would you live? After he recieves an assignment, you can live on base, as long as it isn't one of those bases that don't allow family, which I believe are in Korea, Afghanistan, Iraq and any other Middle East base. There may be more though.

  5. Once a spouse graduates basic and their basic job training schools, they can then be with their spouses, regardless of children.

  6. The prior answers are not totally true.  It is true that until your husband completes and graduates Basic training, you will not be allowed to live with him.  You may be allowed to live with him while he is attending his AIT.  This is up to the AIT unit commander though.  They normally only allow this when the soldier's AIT school lasts for several months.  

    My AIT was 10 months long and married soldiers were allowed to live Off Base.  They were not permitted base housing due to base rules that AIT soldiers are prohibited from base housing areas while attending AIT.  The commander may allow you and your husband to live off base during his training, whether you have kids or not, but it is the commanders choice.  Your husband would have to be on time for everything, no exceptions, or he runs the risk of the commander making him move back into the barracks.

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