
Military question...?

by Guest57031  |  earlier

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okay. so i'm going to an accredited school to become a dental assistant. i got a dui dismissed a year ago, so i don't think it's on my record anymore. say i became registered with california after i finish school and my title it Registered Dental Assistant... would i be able to join the military as a specialist? or how does that work?




  1. First you have to test on the ASVAB.  Then they will look for a slot.  If you fit both of those, they will send you to school to learn the military way of doing things.  Then they own you.

  2. Just take the asvab talk to a recruiter, but they will tell you what you want to hear, but sometimes they give you good advice. Your husband can live with you on base, but if you go over seas to fight, then yeah he stays on base  

  3. Ask a recruiter but be very care full. Once you sign those papers they own you and your civilian rights no longer apply. Everything is done under the military law. They can send you where ever they want to do what ever your orders are.  
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